3 Important Content Marketing Tips To Help You Get it Right

content markerting tips-entorm.com

Content marketing for entrepreneurs is an important part of marketing for a business no doubt. And that’s exactly why we have put together these three important tips to help you get better at it.

  • Content Marketing Tip # Mobile Friendly

The aim of content marketing is to get your content to as many people as possible which would in turn attract huge sales for your business. What good would it make if a lot of people were not able to read your content? Seeing as almost everyone uses smartphones and spends a great deal of time on them, the prudent thing to do would be to make sure that your content is mobile phone friendly. This way no matter what gadget people are using, they can always easily access your content.

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  • Content Marketing Tip # Relevant

People should not have to stifle a yawn while they read or watch your content. One of the good signs of content marketing is that people are even willing to pay to get access to it. Put up content that is as educating about your product as it is entertaining. Now I don’t mean you should make it just an entertaining piece, yes it should be about your product or service but it should not be boring. People should not skip it or scroll past it. They should read it with delight. It should also be relevant to people. It should be important to what people are searching for and should have answers to their questions.

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  • Content Marketing Tip # Value Adding

One of the ways to find out how to add value to your content is by finding out what kind of value people are even looking for. You can find this out by asking your customers what they would find value adding. You can also ask them what kind of content would have helped while they were still researching on what brand to settle for.


