5 Easy Ways To Eliminate Stress And Perform Your Best In Nigeria

5 Easy Ways To Eliminate Stress And Perform Your Best In Nigeria

Stress has become an inevitable part of human existence. It is even more defined in businesses and jobs because of the financial implications and involvements. The good news, however, is that you can eliminate stress and perform optimally.

Stress will make you afraid and nervous. Maybe you have a presentation, you need to pitch a key investor, lead an emergency meeting or you are trying to close a sale to an enabling customer and it feels like everything is on the line.

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The issue is usually about doing your best. You really don’t want to fail people who have entrusted you with that responsibility. More importantly, you don’t want to fail yourself because you might not be able to live with yourself after any mishap in your assignment.

The above scenario naturally puts under pressure and eventually brings stress into the equation.

Don’t forget, “Everyone is basically selling all the time so there are always other options available,” says Cheryl Dolan, “If you don’t show up with confidence and power, people quickly go on to the next person.”

Related: How to deal with stress of running an online business in Nigeria

You can actually eliminate stress by doing some things. It is indeed about self-regulation, priming your nervous system for peak performance.

By organizing your nervous system so you feel you’re in alignment with who you are and what you stand for, you come across incredibly well–and you let people see who you really are and you eliminate stress.

We have looked at some the things you can do when you close to having a nervous breakdown so that you can eliminate stress.

Ways To Eliminate Stress In Nigeria

eliminate stress

  1. Bring a photo of a loved one

The photo of a loved one can help you eliminate stress.  That one minute or two you spend looking at the photo of a special one can reset your nervous system and give you more confidence. It makes you feel more grounded and confident even in an unfamiliar ground.

2. Play with a squeeze ball

Another way or activity that can help you eliminate stress is the playing with a squeeze ball. The process of squeezing and tensing muscles and letting go, even if just using fine motor movements, drops your heart rate and makes you less nervous. You can also play with beads or roll stones in your hand; that’s why playing with a pen helps many people focus.

This effect is a product of on pro-perception, the unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation.

This is perfect for phone calls and webinars.

3. Sit on a very large yoga ball and bounce away

Have you seen a yoga ball before? It can be used to eliminate stress. You should take just 15 minutes of bouncing and you will be amazed at the results.

According to Dolan, “It’s really fun, it makes you laugh, and it causes changes to the chemicals in your brain, you can’t release cortisol and adrenaline when you’re having fun. You release endorphins instead. That eliminates the fight or flight response and makes you feel more relaxed and confident. The effect can often last for a couple hours.”

More importantly, bouncing helps vestibular integration. The vestibular system gives the body with information about space, balance, movement, and triggers balance receptors. Vestibular input acts to “prime” your nervous system to function effectively.

The speech and language centers of your brain are stimulated also by bouncing. This enables you to speak easily and fluently.

In simple language, bouncing will help eliminate stress and prepare you for the task ahead.

  1. Visualize

You can eliminate stress by visualizing. It is called mental rehearsal. It has helped so many people and it can help you.

According to Dolan, “Before you walk in the room, visualize a time when you did something and really nailed it, even if what you did doesn’t apply to the current situation…. That will cause your brain to secrete serotonin and oxytocin, two chemicals that boost confidence, enthusiasm, and motivation.”

Here, instead of worrying about the possibility of messing up and not getting it spot on, you can visualize the success. Imagine you will celebrate your success afterward.

5. Take a deep breath

Breathing deeply can act in bringing out the best in you and reducing the tension and anxiety you may be feeling. It will help eliminate stress by reducing tension and anxiety.

Deep abdominal breathing cuts adrenaline and is the scientific basis for the old saw, “Take a deep breath.” Adrenaline can trigger fight or flight and also shuts down your frontal cortex, which causes you to be less rational and reasonable.

Two minutes of deep breathing–picture expanding your chest and your stomach, or what Dolan calls belly button deep breathing–will make you a lot less nervous.


