3 Things You Must Do To Make Money Online In Nigeria 2018

3 Things You Must Do To Make Money Online In Nigeria

This is the 21st century. I bet you already know that. You already know that it is the digital era; the digital world. This is the time it is possible to make money online everywhere.

It sounds pretty easy but really it can be easy or not for you. It is all dependent on the perception of the people involved and the plan adopted to make it a success. We all want to make money online. This I assume it is the reason most people are taking their businesses online.

You can really achieve this dream because most people are doing that. The richest people on earth today have in more ways than one exploited the option of making money online. It has frustrated many people and has blessed many others.

Related: 10 sure ways to make money online with Google in Nigeria

To make money online through the use of the internet should not end as a dream; it should become a reality because it can become just that. However, there is a path to follow. That path is the price to pay for making it online.

You will do well to remember that as far as there is a plan and you play your cards well, you will not end up disappointed. It requires that you stay committed, consistent and persistent and over time, you will reap the benefits.

There are things we have gleaned from the lives of many people who have made it online. The likes of Zuckerberg, Bezos, Precious Ng, and other successful internet and online moguls have stayed true to these three things and it has made them successful beyond their imagination.

This path we are talking about is not in any way stress-free, but it offers you a tested path to making money. we implore you to follow these three things if you want to make money online.

These things that will help you if you want to make money online are majorly obtainable if you are concentrated on making passive income online. We will talk about passive and active incomes in our next article.

Below are the things you will need to do to make money online.

Things Needed To Make Money Online In Nigeria

to make money online

  1. You must define your personal brand

The primary thing needed to make money online is the brand. You need to have a brand that helps build an audience for you if you want to make money online at all. It is the most important aspect of the online business.

It is undoubtedly the most difficult aspect of online business. It is usually feared by many. What it means is that you have to put yourself out to the public and you will face criticism and comments and that can be tiring and sometimes discouraging.

Related: How to make money online in Nigeria for free without investing 

Please understand that you can still make money online even without the brand. However, it will be a lot easier with a brand. The implication of creating a brand if you want to make money online is that you are creating a home on the internet.

You can create a brand by starting a blog, an active Facebook page or Instagram profile. In fact, you need to find a way to have an online presence through any medium possible.

You will need to have a niche to build your brand on. It is not advisable to be everywhere. Become a master or an authority in something. The three most lucrative niches are:

  • Wealth
  • Health
  • Relationships

However, you can choose a niche outside of these mentioned above and still be very successful.

Some of these niches are very broad. You can even become better by deciding on sub-niche. Here, you are becoming a specialist in that area.

This is like medicine or any other field of study. After studying a particular course in its general form, you will need to specialize. In medicine, you can specialize in heart surgery or gynecology. In political science, you can specialize in international relations or political economy.

Related: How to start internet business that will make you rich before the end of this year

To make money online through building your brand, you can have a sub-niche in health. You can specialize in sexual health or fitness. In a relationship, you can specialize in the premarital or post-marital relationship.

This will help you find your voice in the online community and subsequently, a followership.

  1. You need an audience. Find and nurture one

Let me tell you something that you probably know or don’t know. I think you should know it though. Most online gurus are not magicians. Then, ask yourself, how come everything they touch turns to gold? It is very simple; they have a willing audience.

You need to build an audience when you have created a brand. You just need to find a way to do that. Most times, it is through a series of email marketing. You can do this through your social media channels. You can use any you desire but you will need to that. It may involve a bit of money.

To build an audience which will help you to make money online, you will need to have a story. The vehicle of a story is very powerful in creating an audience. You have to utilize it to the fullest. You need to have a story. The crowd loves stories. It drives their decisions.

You have to expect resistance to what you are doing or saying. We are in distrustful and perilous times and people are becoming increasingly more careful with their dealings. Once you overcome that resistance, I assure you that you can start counting yourself a rich man because you will become a magician.

To build a trusting audience, you will have to be able to share with them things that are not related to money but in the long run, you will find out that it had everything to do with that.

The stage of building an audience is referred to a funnel. You know how funnel works. It has a large mouth a smaller output medium. The money will come from many people into your small pocket.

  1. Learn to add value to every exchange

    to make money online

To make money online, you will have to understand that it is not just up to sell products. It goes beyond that. You will have to learn to add value whenever there is an exchange between you and your customers. It is also up to you to do that.

It is understandable that you will need to build a brand and build your list. It is also important for you to do add value during exchanges.

This gives you better acceptance and legitimacy in the eyes of your buyers. Your buyers watch your moves clearly so don’t even make the mistake of thinking that you are not watched. They are there waiting for the conviction to buy or not to buy.

You won’t make millions from anywhere and instantly. But, you will start making money over time. That’s the nature of the beast online. Focus on the long term, not the short term. Set yourself up for success by building a solid foundation.


