Books You Should Read As An Aspiring Millionaire Entrepreneur

Books You Should Read As An Aspiring Millionaire Entrepreneur

Readers are leaders. In the pages of a book lie age long secrets to success in every facet of life. There is no gainsaying the fact that books are important to your development. It is one fact that nobody can really successfully argue against. As an aspiring entrepreneur or an entrepreneur, there are books you should read.

On a serious note, these books may the 10 must-read books of all time, the best books to read before you die, best fiction books to read or must-read non-fiction books, but these books are indeed the recommended books to read.

The reason for stating the fact above is that they will expose the ancient secrets of running a business and garnish it with how to survive the changes in our time. They are really top books to read.

Related: 1o financial books you must read in Nigeria before the end of 2017

The white man has always taunted Africans in general and Nigeria in particular for their poor reading culture. It is even said that if you want to hide something from the African man, you should put it in the pages of a book.

This orientation is changing and we are beginning to appreciate the importance of books. To streamline your reading to the relevant books at that point in time. All books are important though. We want to focus our attention on books you should read as an aspiring millionaire entrepreneur.

List Of Books You Should Read As An Aspiring Millionaire Entrepreneur

  1. Money: Master the Game (Tony Robbins)
    books you should read

This is one of the books you should read in your long walk to financial freedom. This book helps you understand how to make your money work for you and not you working for money. it stresses the importance of investment to your survival as an entrepreneur. Specifically, Robbins, the author of the book, reiterates the importance of setting up a freedom fund. This fund should be your ticket to financial freedom.

You will need to put your money in an active workout so that it will be bringing adequate returns on investment (ROI). Putting your bank in a bank doesn’t guarantee adequate returns especially if it is a low-interest bank.

Self-believe is an essential part of success as opined by the book. You should get a copy now.

  1. Principles (Ray Dalio)

books you should read

Dalio focuses on building the right principles as essential requirements for success. When you set up your life around certain principles, you can simplify the decisions you make and how you make them. it makes you so sure of yourself and deletes or eliminates the possibility of second-guessing yourself.

Principles can help understand the important things that will help you flourish in business. It might not show the monetary requirements for setting up and running a business but it does show you how to use the right values in setting up your business so that you have peace of mind in doing your business.

Principles will keep you from becoming overwhelmed by decisions of life and by circumstances that ordinarily you should have controlled. Find out for yourself what principles Ray talked about.

  1. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (T. Harv Eker)


books you should read

This book is interesting in the way it relates our upbringing to our relationship with money. if you will constantly struggle with money, you need to know why and if you have a thought pattern that is set for success, you will need to understand why. This is why Eker’s secrets of the millionaire mind, is one of the books you should read to succeed in business.

It is not a coincidence that poor children remain poor and rich kids grow to remain rich except there is a breakout in thought pattern. Growing up, we observe our parents’ financial strategies and we tend to replicate them. This book will guide you on how to break out of those thought process that inhibits your success.

  1. Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)

books you should read

The title of this book its quite contrasting but it tells you more than you expect. It goes a long way to show how we tend to slide away from rationality in our daily lives. It brings to your notice the things you should be aware of in your quest for better entrepreneurial future.

According to Kahneman’s book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, our behavioral pattern is determined by two varying systems. While one tends to intuitive, very impulsive and almost automatic, the other is very calculative, deliberate and very thoughtful. To this very statement was the title of the book coined.

You need to balance the two to be able to stay on to[ of your game.

  1. The Intelligent Investor (Benjamin Graham)

books you should read

If Warren Buffet can say that the intelligent investor shaped his life, you should begin to appreciate the importance of the book. The book is filled with the ability to give you a great understanding of contemporary and proven financial theories. This understanding can help you invest prudently without risking the loss of everything.

Graham analyzed the company’s value and its growth potentials. It focuses on how you can maintain steady returns and not and not just focusing on short-term gains.

  1. The Millionaire Fastlane (M.J. DeMarco)

books you should read

If you follow the conventional way, you will never become a millionaire no matter how hard you try. The Millionaire Fastlane will help you if you have any dream of becoming starting a business or becoming an entrepreneur. It shows where to start and how to start.

No matter how much you aim, without due diligence, you will go broke. You cannot keep going to expensive hotels, buying expensive designers clothes and shoes and doing all the expensive things as a salary earner and expect, to stay solvent.

You will need to create something, a product or service that is self-sustaining and you will be surprised how well you can live.

  1. Blue Ocean Shift ( Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne)books you should read

This is definitely one of the books you should read. It guides you on how to overcome the crazy competition and rat race in the marketplace. Blue Ocean Shift emphasizes the need to move away from the competition and open up new opportunities.

The book helps you navigate and conquer the competition. It helps or allows find the ripe markets that are relatively untouched.

  1. The Little Book Of Common Sense Investing (John C. Bogle)books you should read

Investment is the key to becoming a successful businessman or entrepreneur. If you didn’t know that, then you are still in the kindergarten of business school. It is about the most effective way to build wealth when done correctly and wisely. It is one of the books you should read.

In this book, John Bogle, the founder of the Vanguard Group and the person who created the world’s first Index Fund, gives details on the simplest, effective and efficient investment strategy known as “Investing in low-cost index funds. The impact of this book got Warren Buffet to admit that every investor should as a matter of necessity, pick up a copy.

  1. The Tools Of Titans (Tim Ferriss)books you should read

This book explores the requirements for becoming a billionaire. Here, Ferriss explores the daily routines and habits of celebrities, professional athletes, hedge fund managers and lots more. Get a copy today and you won’t regret it.


  1. The Richest Man In Babylon (George S. Clason)books you should read

This book was written by George Clason in 1926. It is a classic and has remained relevant in today’s business world. It is a must-read for any serious entrepreneurial mind. Clason revealed the enormous secret to getting rich in the masterpiece. However, the term secret sounded to you; don’t worry because his secrets actually are simple concepts such as living within your means and paying yourself. He preached these simple concepts using parables.


