9 Profitable Internet Business Ideas 2019 That is Hot Right Now

Top 9 Internet Business Ideas 2019

These profitable Internet business ideas are really trending right now because people are able to start an internet business from home which is cheaper to start up with. The advantage of these profitable internet business ideas is able to spend time with your family, do house chores at the same time running the business and do things your own way without being disturbed by anyone.

You are the boss of your own business but the disadvantage of these profitable internet business ideas is you alone who bears the risk.

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Millions are going into these profitable internet business ideas and they are making money from it. This year 2019, the number of people going into these profitable internet business ideas increases every month and I am sure by next year 2020 and coming years it will be all over the internet whereby, people will have to quit working for people and be their own boss. Here are my

internet business ideas

Top 9 Profitable Internet Business Ideas for 2019.

  1. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a form of online marketing, where you don’t own a product or service, but you sell products for other online on your platform/list/audience to earn referral commission. These sites are Amazon associate, Clickbank or any other site that allows people to sell their product and get commissions for doing that. It can’t be only Amazon or click bank they are many out there you just have to make your research.

If you are in Nigeria you can try Jumia, konga, Amazon these site pays satisfied commissions. But the disadvantage of this affiliate marketing is

You are not liable for customers support

You are not liable for creating the product

But the advantage is that you will get paid whenever people purchase their product through you. All you just need to do is to sell based affiliate link you get and you get paid. I have also written a list of top Affiliate marketing programs in Nigeria, do check it out if your interest is i Affiliate marketing.

Related: Why Affiliate marketing is important

  1. Freelancer

This is business is growing fast among the 6 profitable business ideas. If you know you are good in writing, graphic design, web design or anything then you have to start this internet business immediately before it goes viral by 2020 because millions are going into this business every day.

If you are a writer, you can go and pitch articles for people and they pay you for your writing services, or any other valuable service you know you are good at for online growth. But is OK if you have your own website for people to recognize what you are offering but if you don’t, there are sites you can attach yourself with to offer people your service and you get paid. These sites are FreelancerFiverr and Upwork.

Note: This does not mean writing and graphics design is the only freelancing skills, you can also sell other services and get paid.

  1. Web design

Obviously, you can create websites for people because it is in big demand now. More organization, people, companies want to have an online business.

Everybody wants a website now so I urge you to grab this opportunity or if you don’t know how to build a website you better go and learn that immediately and grab this opportunity. Also, if you are good at designing websites, you will make a great business for yourself, people are looking for the skill.

Related: Top 8 service based business ideas

  1. Social media manager

If you are good with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social network, you can manage social media profiles for brands and busy personnel e.g. celebrities, companies, churches and so on which you will get paid to manage their social presence online.

  1. Online coaching

Coaching is in big demand now because people want to pay to learn something new or solve what is bordering them. So if you know you are good with coaching you can startup online coaching. It can be music instrument, webinar or whatever.

  1. You-tuber

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world right now and it is owned by Google. Do you know you can make money becoming a pro youtuber by uploading your videos like tutorials, gospel, music videos, Game videos, comedy video, stunt videos, Vlog or anything that is interesting? All you just have to do is to upload your videos and signup for AdSense and you make money from YouTube.

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Also if you can manage people’s video on YouTube you get paid by Google. You and the owner of the YouTube channel will share whatever amount YouTube pay you guys depends on your agreement.

  1. E-Books

If you are good in writing this will help you make sales. You can write about tutorials or valuable information that people need to know to succeed and upload it on your site for sale. Actually, this idea is for bloggers and those implementing this idea are making money from selling their eBooks.

  1. Pod-casting

Podcasting is really catching on now and it is really a great way to make money online 2019. Actually podcast is similar to radio station but the difference is you record and upload content online for people to pay or play and download the message you have for them. You can discuss about motivational tips, tutorials, advice or anything valuable.

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One of the great ways to get started is by inviting guest to your Podcast show and letting them share their insights and experiences with you. Their existing audience will also get to hear about it and eventually, getting to learn about you.

  1. Blogging

Blogging has been a big deal for over a decade now and can be monetized in so many ways. It is the king of all profitable internet business ideas. I recommend starting your own blog and make money at home than a banker… Just saying my mind, and no offense intended though. Blogging as a business has turned a lot of people into millionaires because of their passion and consistent time applied to it. You can make money through affiliate marketing, product advert, Google Adsense, freelance, product review and so on.

Here is a guide on how to research on your own and become a pro-blogger for free using Google and not buy any blogging course.

We love comments, please let us know of any other profitable internet business ideas for entrepreneurs that you know.



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