Achieve Social Media Success: A Guide For Job Seekers On Facebook, Twitter And LinkedIn

Achieve Social Media Success: A Guide For Job Seekers On Facebook, Twitter, And Linkedin

It is not very ideal to seek jobs on social media but it has been proven over time that social media can be very helpful to many who explore that option. It is difficult to imagine anything that does not happen on social media these days. It is, therefore, a great idea to have a guide for job seekers on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

The truth remains that firms, businesses, and organizations now explore this alternative. A lot of recruitment has been done through social media. The implication is that people are beginning to give credence and credibility to the platform and that changes the dynamics of the whole thing.

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Recruiters now look for candidates online. They explore the profiles of the potential clients before hiring. You will understand more from this guide for job seekers on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Another angle to the whole process is that recruiters would want to see your online profiles before they even think about hiring. It could be a problem if you are not active on social media.

According to Reynolds of FlexJobs, “When a recruiter searches an applicant’s name to learn more about them, it’s actually a red flag nowadays if someone isn’t found to be active online. LinkedIn is the bare minimum a job seeker should be using to help show employers that they are technologically savvy and understand the basics [of] digital communication.”

Most social media platforms have similarities and differences. There are certain things that are very unique to each of these platforms under consideration. That is why this guide for job seekers on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will focus on these platforms distinctly.

A Guide For Job Seekers On Facebook, Twitter, And Linkedin


guide for job seekers on facebook, twitter, and linkedin

Linkedin is the number one platform for job seekers and hiring managers. It was primarily created for that purpose.

Hiring managers see this platform as the network to go to when they need to hire. It is, of course, the most professional of the social media platforms. The idea is to perfect your profile and make it impeccable.

According to Reynolds, “Hiring managers may look to your LinkedIn profile to learn more about you. If it doesn’t match your resume with your most up-to-date jobs, projects, and skills, they may be confused. It may send the message that you’re not taking enough care with your job search or professional image.”

For Dana Case of, it is all about keeping your profile up to date. “Focus on updating your profile to be as current as possible,” she said. “Ask trusted individuals you’ve previously worked with for recommendations and write blog posts to establish your credibility within your given industry.”


guide for job seekers on facebook, twitter, and linkedin

The case for Twitter is majorly on followership. Here, you need to beware of the people and brands you engage on a daily basis. They have a direct impact on your followership and you know that Twitter is all about followership.

More importantly, it can affect the hiring manager’s perception of your personality and worthiness to work for the company.

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On Twitter, focus your tweets and re-tweets on the relevant topics and you will be okay. More emphasis should be given to the industry you would want to work it.

According to Heather Monahan, Twitter can be used to identify leaders in an organization that you are interested in joining. By following them and retweeting their tweets you can get their attention. Responding to their tweets and showing your value can give you an advantage over the other candidates who aren’t trying to communicate.”

More so, you can explore twitter chats and you can achieve your ultimate aim there. Dana Case made a serious point on this one. She maintained that you can “engage in Twitter chats that are relevant to the industry you want to work in. This is a great way to network with existing professionals already in these fields, follow them to begin building a rapport together, and cement yourself as an expert.”


guide for job seekers on facebook, twitter, and linkedin

Facebook is one of the social media platforms that job seekers may explore. It may not be as profile oriented as LinkedIn but it is a great platform nonetheless. It is arguably the most popular and used social media platform in the world. That has to mean something.

You see, you are your image. The image you want the world to see is who you are. There is no doubt about that. Therefore, portray a positive one.

Remove yourself from any post that will tarnish your image. You will have to untag yourself from posts and pictures that didn’t come from you if they are questionable in nature. You will need only appropriate posts and pictures when you have made your profile clean.

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The above point was buttressed by Karla Ruiz, “It’s important to be careful with the type of content you post. Make sure you are posting content you’ll be proud of in the next few years. Keep control of your privacy settings and if you are out partying, enjoy the moment and leave your phone by your side. Once it goes live, it lives online forever.”

You can activate your privacy settings for certain personal information but you can always leave certain information public so that whoever may be checking you out could have something to hold onto.

More so, you should enjoy certain Facebook groups that are related to the sector or industry you want to become part of.

Andrea Hurtado of Protis Global says it all. He opines that “Being engaged and part of these [Facebook] groups can be a huge asset. These groups can do quite a bit for you – assist and propel you in developing yourself professionally, connect you with other individuals in your field and/or get you closer contact with an organization that is looking for talent like you.”


You will need to be aware that certain things are basic to social media users. Avoid things that will compromise your personality. The above guide for job seekers on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn will give you the basis for making yourself employable and interesting for hiring managers.

It is not about your technical know-how but about your ability to stay clean and compatible with certain organizational goals and objectives.




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