How To Make Money As A Secondary School Student In Nigeria

It is true that you can make money as a Secondary School student in Nigeria. However, the challenge most times is how to go about it. This article explains the steps and how to leverage the available opportunities.

As a student in any secondary school in Nigeria, you might have had the thought of how you can make some money for yourself. The economy of Nigeria isn’t doing so great and most people have to fend for themselves. Your parents might try to meet your basic needs, but most times they just cannot satisfy all your wants. This is why you also need to have a way you make some extra cash for yourself. You can even start supporting your parents by paying some of the bills and saving up for your college.

How To Make Money As A Secondary School Student In Nigeria

How To Make Money As A Secondary School Student In Nigeria

You might have been told by your parents or guardians that you need to focus on your studies and get good grades. However, as a secondary school student, you have a lot of free time on your hands. If you know how to manage your time well, you can juggle part-time work with your academics and still make excellent grades. In this article, you will find out ways you can make money in Nigeria as a secondary school student.

8 Lucrative Ways To Make Money As A Secondary School Student In Nigeria

(1) Do Freelancing

This is one of the best ways to make passive income, even as a secondary school student. Freelancing is the process where you offer your services/skills to people in need of them. You as a freelancer have the freedom of choosing your working hours (obviously would be after school hours or on weekends). Skills like Graphic Design, Web Designing, Copywriting, Voiceover, etc. can make you handsome money if you know how to do them.

Although having a good digital skill will increase your chances of earning more on freelancing platforms, you can still do some simple jobs to get some cash. Some of these simple tasks include writing articles, proof-reading, transcribing, typing, and a few others. Here are some freelancing websites you can check out

  1. Fiverr
  2. Freelancer
  3. Upwork
  4. Guru
  5. iWriter

(2) Become A Hair Stylist

People always need to get a haircut every now and then. Ladies also love a good hairstylist that can make their hairstyle look like a princess’s own. If you have this skill, you can use it to make some money for yourself. Most ladies know how to plait simple hairstyles; you can do this for your classmates and charge them for your services. You can learn this skill from a barber/hairstylist in your area. It can take you a few months to have a good grasp of how to do it. Once you get good to an extent, you can start off on your own in making money with your new skill. You can also negotiate with your boss to give you some amount when you help him/her style a person’s hair.

(3) Sell Stationeries

Selling some stationaries in the school environment should not be that hard. Students always need an extra pen or a new notebook. You can be making money by meeting the needs of your fellow student. Stationeries such as school textbooks, rulers, graphs, rulers, pens, mathematical sets, etc. are materials you can easily sell. You might have to get capital from your parents or someone else to start off. Make sure you keep a record of your sales so as not to run at loss and also protect your goods from possible theft.

(4) Do Assignments for Fellow Students

Perhaps you are a very bright student and people always flock around you to copy your assignments. You can turn this into a money-making scheme for yourself. All you have to do is inform your mates that you can solve their assignment problems for a token. You get to make some money and educate yourself some more in the process.

(5) Become a Tutor

Tutoring is another means you can make cool cash for yourself. You can teach subjects you know very well with other students. A lot of students need help figuring out certain things, especially in English and Mathematics which are compulsory subjects. You can also work as a home tutor, teaching students who are a few classes below you. The money you will earn won’t be very high but it is enough to pay some of your bills.

(6) Work at A Restaurant

There is barely anywhere you go where there won’t be a restaurant. People always need to replenish their energy and feel good. Restaurants are always looking for extra workers to meet the demands of their customers. You can work in a restaurant after school hours or during weekends depending on your preference. It is not compulsory for you to know how to cook before you can work there. There are various other tasks that don’t require that kind of expertise. Make sure you do not overwork yourself as you would need to go to school the next day fully active.

(7) Write Contents for Individuals and Corporate Bodies

Content writing is a good way to earn an income and also educate yourself in the process. There are numerous blogs and website that needs people to write contents for their platforms daily. You can write articles for them and get paid some amount. iWriters is one platform that you can sign up on to work as a writer. They link you up with clients that need your service.

(8) Apply for Scholarships

This is a great way to make money and also make your parents proud. There a whole lot of scholarships out there for secondary school students that you can participate in. If you know you got what it takes to compete, go ahead and you might win yourself a handsome sum of money. You can also participate in various competitions and win cash prizes.


The ways to make money as a Secondary School student in Nigeria are not limited to the above list. However, you have to be willing to work to make the money you so much desire. Make sure you inform your parents before taking up a job as they might have objections or advice based to offer you. You do not have to involve yourself in scams or scandalous activities to make money as a student. Work diligently and smartly, you would eventually become self-dependent someday.



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