The master card has made a decision towards ending the use of her cards on the porn hub platform. The porn hub is a pornography site that has lots of sex contents including videos of minors and adults.

In an investigation carried out by the NEW YORK TIMES, a very grievous allegation has been made about the site aiding the abuse of minors and making a lot of money from it. In the investigative process, it was on record that the site was infested with contents of child abuse and rape all together.

Porn hub on her own part has denied these claims, while expressing total disappointment in the recent action taken up by the Master card. They have expressed exceptional disappointment over the fact that the Master Card platform has accused them of these stinking actions.

Backing up this action, the Fellow Payment Visa went ahead to suspend the use of her cards as well while waiting for a detailed analysis and review of the inquiry set up by the top managers. This could actually be a big blow for the Porn Hub plat form as they make tons of money from these card platforms.

The spark of these activities could be traced from the Article written by the Nicholas Kristof who won the Pulitzer Prize for Journalists. It was after the release of this articles that Master Card launched her inquiry and started to take drastic actions towards the porn Hub.

Speaking on the content of the article, Nicholas said that he saw no reason why these Credit Card companies, Banks, Search engines and lots of reasonable platforms should bolster Porn Hub.

The master card making a report in relation to her investigations said that in a couple of days past, investigations has gathered that there has been continuous violations of accepted standards that has prohibited unlawful contents on their sites.

The Master card reacting to this said “instruction has been sent out to financial institutions connecting the site to our platform network to kill all acceptances.

From the ongoing it seems not only Porn Hub is going to suffer this alone after all as the master card has vowed a continuous investigation on possible illegitimate materials present on all other websites.

The Parent Porn Hub company Mind Geek in times past expressed that the claims made in the NEW YORK TIMES were false. In his words he said “these claims are flagrantly untrue and irresponsible”. how true can this be when the site has now stopped its download functions, and made verification compulsory for users before the upload of what so ever video.

Responding to the decision of the Master Card, the Porn Hub released a statement expressing how disappointing the actions of the master card was as the actions came in 2 days after the Pornography site put in place effective and extreme safe guards for the user generated contents and platform history.

The Porn Hub site in furtherance of their statement said “users who are unverified are now totally banned from the uploading of contents, this is a strict policy that no platform has been seen to put in place”.

The  company sited that it was on record over the past three years, a total of 84 million cases of child abuse and sexual harassment has been found on Facebook compared to only 118 incidents which the Internet Watch Foundation recorded for the Porn hub over the past three years and yet no other plat form has been seen to put in place this “just made” policy let alone any thing near it.

It further mentioned the employment role the platform was playing when it said “this news seems to have crushed the hundreds of thousand models relying on the Porn Hub platform for survival and livelihood.

Complains have also been seen where young girls were being preyed upon; as a Former porn star said she was raped at the age of fourteen only to find the video on a porn site.

The porn hub is said to have 42 billion site visitors in a recent annual review carried out in the past year 2019. it is also on record that so far over 6.83 videos has been uploaded on the platform. So far it has a combined viewing time of 169 years. This is older than the time most men spent on earth.

The company also claimed that every uploaded videos were reviewed by her human moderators although details of how many moderators were employed was not given. All videos on this platform is left to the view of the public.

Using the porn hub is cost free but a total of £9.99 by those in need of a higher quality streaming of videos, an exclusive content and an advertising free page.

In fear of how this action of the Master card will affect him, Kristof on behalf of the porn Hub community asserted that a combination of videos including under aged and matured videos showed up when under aged videos were being searched on the Porn hub platform.

He also claimed zero tolerance for the issue of child abuse stating that quite a number of tools were put in place to combat this.

This could be the right action to take as rape and sexual assault of both women and children keep rising on daily basis. The issue of child abuse is now on a constant rise globally and nothing seems to be done about it.



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