Best Way to Earn Passive Income Through Email Marketing in 2020

Best Way to Earn Passive Income Through Email Marketing in 2020

Email marketing, one of the best weapons in the marketer arsenal to retarget their lost audiences. In simple terms, Email marketing is all about creating awareness and advertising products and services in the form of Emails.

passive income through email marketing

However, I have a better email marketing definition for you. Email marketing is the use of email to develop chemistry between the marketers and their audiences.

Email marketing is just one part of digital marketing. Which is composed of the social media platform, websites, and much more.

Related: Affiliate marketing in Nigeria 2020: Top affiliate marketing programs 

What is passive income?

The concept of passive income is very simple. It is defined as the normal income that can be earned without putting an extra effort. Passive income mostly comes from the property that you have rented out to someone or from the assets that you are not investing in anymore.

Why there is a need for passive income

Well, there are several reasons why there is a need for passive income.

  • Passive incomes let you have several sources of income that can help you in your financial crisis.
  • Passive income gives you financial freedom.
  • Well, if your main earning is quite hefty, then there is no need for earning passively. But hey, if you are getting something even without lifting a finger, then what could be better than that.

Email marketing can be personalized

The best part of email marketing is that it allows you to target a selected group of people. Not all the audiences that visit your site are your relevant audience. So, it becomes very important to filter out the relevant audiences that may be potential customers.

Email marketing is a tool that allows deepening your bond with your audience at personal levels. You can retarget them with their birthday and offer them highly personalized offers.

For instance, a restaurant might send offers to the customers on their birthday with discounts. This way you will not only be able to confront the audiences at a personal level, but you also increase the conversion rate.

How does Email Marketing help with passive income?

There are several ways by which you can earn a steady rate of passive income. For starters, you can sell your product with the help of Email targeting strategies. Secondly, you can attract the audience with relevant offers to visit your website.

Here are the ways by which you can earn passively from email marketing:

  1. Offers:

The number one reason why people sign up to earn passive income through email marketing is that they want all the new offers that you give to your customers. If you view things from the customer’s perspective, you will come to the realization that most of the customers buy things online solely for the fact that they were given offers on the online purchase.

Offers acts like the first mode of communication that happens between the marketer and the audience. It is these offers that catalyzes the audience’s buying decision-making process.

Yes, the buyer is at your website for no reason whatsoever. Just surfing through your website with no intention of buying anything. But as soon as there is a limited offer on products that may be compelling for the relevant audience, the “no intention of buying anything” changes to “Woah! One of my favorite products is at a very low price, I might consider buying this one as it has a pretty handsome offer”.

That’s how big of a difference an offer can create.

  1. Reviews:

Sometimes you will find customers who are willing to buy something that they need. But they don’t have any idea about the products. This increases their decision-making time. And if they do not find a suitable answer on why to buy this product, they change their mind to not buying the product.

So, it is very important to have content on the product review that you can send to the audiences. You can retarget those kinds of audiences with email marketing by sending the product detailed description.

This strategy is also the best way to get back the interested audiences and convert them into your customers.

  1. How-to guides:

Not all the passive income plan needs to be direct. You can go around earning commission from your affiliate sites just by sharing their information with the email marketing. You just have to create a content that has links to your affiliate partner. And then you can retarget the audiences via email marketing. When the audience makes a purchase with your link, you earn a commission from your affiliate partner, as simple as that.

Final Tips

Email marketing is directly linked with affiliate marketing. You pitch to your audiences with great content containing all the offers, guides, information and links that can lead to your website or to your affiliate partner’s sites. Bit the ways you can earn income.

However, you need to be careful of one thing that Email marketing should be done with highly relevant audiences. Sending mails to the people who are not at all interested in your products and services will be the same as feeding grass to a lion.

Author bio:

Ariana Smith is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Ariana Smith is associated with FollowTheFashion&thedailynotes.





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