It Is Official. Sumotrust Team Launches Crowdfacture

It Is Official: Sumotrust Team Launches Crowdfacture

Let us all own and earn in this democratized manufacturing company.

sumotrust team launches crowdfacture

Growth is about innovation. With success comes more success. Sumotrust team has led and stabilized the product and it has become one of the best savings platforms in Nigeria. In the spirit of expansion and growth, the Sumotrust team launches Crowdfacture.

The democratized manufacturing platform which has been live for some time now will be officially launched today in FCT, Abuja.

The event will feature top investors and friends of the team, politicians, business tycoons, bank representatives, and people from different walks of life.

When we reached the COO, Okorie Samuel Ossi, he affirmed that everything needed has been set in place. In his words, “we have been working on Crowdfacture for 4 years. We have tested different models before arriving at this workable model that will involve the people partaking in the manufacturing and distribution process.

Everything is ready. Machines have been secured, the land is ready and the workforce needed to put this into reality is on standby. We are excited about this journey and we know that you will play this long investment game with us. We are going to take risks but we know that you are thrilled and we will make your dreams come true”.

What Exactly is Crowdfacture Then

Imagine a great number of people effectively owning a company and making great profits from their shares. Most businesses are built on the monarchical structure. Just imagine a business structured to fit into democracy. Anybody can own shares in it and anybody can make money from it.

I’m going to use very basic definitions so that everybody can understand. Remember that English is not our mother tongue.

Crowdfacture is a manufacturing, production, and distribution business model where people can make a (1 time) investment so as to become part of the company for life.

Did you get that? For life. Yessssssss. Not a year, not 2 years, not five years, you earn for life. You become part of the business, you enjoy the profits and share in the losses of the company. You can make decisions that will affect the trajectory of the company.

You can also become a distributor and receive crowdfacture goods at discounted rates and you will earn from referrals. Crowdfacture came fully prepared. Stay with me. The best is yet to come.

The Take-Away

Get prepared. Get ready. A unit of crowdfacture costs 50,000 naira. Get your money ready. As the Sumotrust team launches crowdfacture today, visit and sign up to be part of this amazing opportunity. You are going to earn dividends for life.


For more information on how to invest in crowdfacture, how to earn, how to refer and other information, please click here.




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