Top 10 Best Startup Tools For 2020 That Will Drive Your Business

Top 10 Best Startup Tools For 2020 That Will Drive Your Business

Best Startup tools

It is not easy to be a startup founder as against what you may think, and you will need to be prepared for any outcome. So, you should be equipped with not just the passion for your business, but also with the best startup tools for your journey. The importance of equipping yourself with the best startup tools for your business cannot be overemphasized. There are numerous startup tools available online. Selecting the best of these startup tools can be a demanding task to achieve.

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The best startup tools are the ones that help the new market product, reduce costs, save time, and guide you against cybersecurity issues. This is the reason why we have created the top 10 best startup tools for 2020. These startup management tools will definitely transform your startup for the better. They are important tools for startup founders who wish to be successful in business.

Startups need to move quickly and efficiently to survive and thrive in this generation, especially with limited resources. As a startup founder, you need to equip yourself with a toolset to navigate the rough flight path. In this post, I will be sharing the top 10 best startup tools for the coming year.

Here Are The Top 10 Best Startup Tools For 2020

  • WhiteSource

The reliance on open source as the base for building products by software engineering teams is a normal thing. However, as they use the open-source code, it is important that the company does not risk compliance issues or compromise on its security. The WhiteSource startup tool will help you take care of this issue.

WhiteSource tool is undoubtedly one of the best tools that will take care of the security and compliance issues. It will suggest for you the most suited open source components that would suit your needs as you search online. The WhiteSource will also alert you when it finds any software bugs, security risks, as well as policy problems. One of its numerous advantages is that it is highly versatile and works with different programming languages.

  • Eqvista

You cannot talk about the best software for a startup without mentioning the Eqvista. As a founder, you will need to keep track of all the shares in your company. This is often the case when you want to take in investments and grow your company. This startup tool helps companies to track, manage, and make intelligent decisions related to equity and ownership of the company. In fact, with Eqvista, you can issue shares electronically, manage all shares in your company while staying compliant with the equity laws.

  • ContactZen

The first impression matters a lot, especially in the business environment. You must provide investors with all the necessary documentation before they invest in your business. This means you need to prepare for all due diligence. The necessary documents include tax documents, financial statements, intellectual property documents, and development plans. Keeping such documents in the paper is never easy and the best way to store all these documents is to set up a cloud-based virtual data room (VDR).

ContractZen is one of the best startup tools for this task. With just a few clicks, you can set it up and the user interface is simple and very interactive to use. You can eliminate the problems associated with opening folders or bringing out papers. With ContractZen, all you need to do is search for the document and you will get the particular one you want immediately. It will interest you to know that this startup tool has additional features like the calendar app, email feature, and e-signature services.

  • ClickMeeting

This is also one of the best startup tools that you should have. In simple terms, it is a webinar platform that can help you in building important partnerships without the need of leaving your office. You will start by creating branded invitations for your sales presentation or online demo. After that, you get all the leads from your email list into this application to send the invites to them directly.

Immediately one of the lead accepts the invite, you can have a virtual face-to-face meeting with them in order to offer them a live demo of your product. ClickMeeting comes with other features such as the use of a whiteboard technology to share information and screen sharing to display anything from your system. This startup tool will help you get lots of things done while sitting in the comfort of your office or home.

  • Calendly

The Calendly startup tool will help you to avoid the hassle of spending hours on deciding a meeting time. In fact, how long does to take you to schedule a meeting with your client? Does it take you and the client tons of emails before you can finally decide on the time for the meeting? Calendly takes away this process. Once you have scheduled a meeting, all you need to do is share the link with the client allowing them to select the time that they are comfortable with for the meeting.

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This is a great time-saving startup tool that you will find handy in the coming business year of 2020.

  • SentiOne

Like every startup founder will tell you, it’s never easy to run a startup. You need time to understand all about your industry and company. This will help you to perfectly handle your brand and connect with your target audience, especially in today’s digital business landscape. Judging from the fact that there are different platforms and digital landscapes in the world today, it will take a lot of your time for monitoring all these things.

It is a social listening platform and one of the best startup tools available. This platform allows you to tap directly into what people are saying about you and your industry on the social media platforms or other important websites. The startup tool basically scans all the forums, blogs, and news websites online. It will also help you to track your brand reach.

  • WalkMe

Is your website easy to navigate for your customers? The complexity of your website can make you lose a lot of customers and business deals. Once a customer starts to find it difficult to navigate your website, you will begin to lose all potential customers. In order to tackle this issue, that is where WalkMe comes in to play.

This startup tool makes everything easy for first-time users of the website. It helps your users navigate through your website without any trouble by offering them with intuitive visual elements for the navigation. It helps to reduce the bounce rate and increase the conversion rate on your site.

  • Google Docs

This free collaboration tool makes it very easy and simple to share files with contractors and clients for their contributions. It is accessible from anywhere and it allows multiple people to work on the same document at the same time. One of its advantages is that it is compatible with your Word documents.

  • Kanbanchi

This is an online project management tool to help you plan and track your tasks. Kanbanchi integrates with Google Drive and synchronizes with Google Calendar to help facilitate team collaboration. Its advantage is that it has an interface accessible from your browser facilitating the management of your multiple projects.

  • Buffer

This is a wonderful social media tool that helps you to schedule, publish, and analyze your postings to different media websites. It is quite easy to use and available for popular social networks with an app for iOS and Android.


It is always hectic to launch and start a new business and you will need the right tools to get your business up and running with great efficiency. These tools will help you to be more productive. This list has been published after thorough research while also keeping the most essential aspects of a startup in mind. All the best startup tools and resources are beneficial to both new and already established startups in becoming more efficient.

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