9 Powerful Ways to End a Presentation in Nigeria

Giving a presentation is a not an easy thing to do especially for those who have the fear of public speaking. More often than not, individuals are required to give presentations at seminars, conferences and other business gatherings in Nigeria. Sometimes it could be by choice, while at other times you’re called upon. This is a well guided contents made to educate you on the 9 powerful ways to end a presentation in Nigeria.

Speaking to a large audience, giving a professional and effective delivery or addressing a large audience on business issues requires deep preparations and effective measures for fear of flopping and embarrassments as well as avoiding unproductive results. For an audience to buy your idea, they must be charged to the maximum extent possible. It’s all too easy to write a speech, or to commence delivery but what you do at the end of your presentation matters a lot because it goes a long way to stick and give lasting impressions on the hearts and minds of your audience.

A business presentation must be effective for it to render productive results and for due attention to be given your brand whether you are presenting from a power point slide or like other famous business leaders. In Nigeria, it is very difficult in fact almost impossible to convince people either for genuine reasons or in genuine reasons, everyone thinks they’re super wise in their own way. So the only way to get such persons into your fold is by giving a “properly planned and well polished delivery”.

Today we’ll highlight and explain just how you can propound and conclude a presentation with the utmost aim of convincing and coercing your audience into buying your idea in Nigeria. Whether it is a business presentation, an academic presentation, office presentation or a religious presentation, these discussion is of great importance to you!

9 Powerful Ways to End a Presentation in Nigeria

9 Powerful Ways to End a Presentation in Nigeria

9 Powerful Ways to End a Presentation in Nigeria

1. An experience

While giving a presentation, it is of severe importance that you highlight an experience if not experiences that are related to the topic under discussion. For one thing, people are not interested in your “grammar” or “grammatical prowess”, all they sincerely want to know is the practicality of your presentation!  How does this relate to me?  Has anyone done this before? Has anyone previously succeeded with this ideas? Yes, it is even more beneficial if you relate a real life experience with yourself as the victim. People get to see you in the realest sense of all. They’d be like “if you could do this, then sure I can too”. This is the effect of a story or experience on your audience! And remember that lessons from this story or experience is what you should end your presentation with.

2. A motivational phrase

A “motivational” or “charging” phrase is just another paramount idea. It is important that multiple times during you presentation, you use such phrases to charge your audience into actions, making them feel like “I want to do this like right now” or “just what is the next available step from here?”. This aids the body of your presentation but in a more sincere sense, such phrases are much needed at the conclusive part of your presentation as well. Why?  Because it gives your audience a lasting impression of everything you had to say. They see the relevance, they understand just what you’ve been talking about, they draw parallels themselves, they try in their minds to fix these phrases into what they’ve heard from you already. Statements like;

  • What are you still waiting for?
  • Why not take this step today?
  • Delay is dangerous, the earlier the better
  • I challenge you to join us today!

Such statements create tension on their minds and they can’t wait to get into your fold. That’s the power of “Motivational phrases” or “Charging statements”. They convey and provide will power and vim to your audience at the very end of your presentation and they are propelled by this.

3. A quote

A quote is not always too common. In fact it is not common to see quotes in everyday or regular conversations. The simple reason is that quotes convey deep knowledge and thought provoking ideas.

“Uneducated but adventurous persons are more likely to succeed than educated cowards” — Ogbaragu Michaels

Careful scrutiny of this quote reflects deep understanding risk to success. A person who hears this quote for the first time is certain to nod his/her head in support of what is being said. Same way, leaving your audience with such quotes at the end of your presentation leaves their mind open to thoughts and positive responses to your presentation.

4. A summary or rephrase

At the end of your presentation, giving a recap, a summary or a rephrase of key points and key words from your presentation is s sure way of captivating senses! As a matter of fact, it brings their minds back to the basics of the topic you just discussed. Sometimes they might be forgetting a few points while jotting, but your rephrase resupplies them with the lost information and you can imagine how it feels at one such point where you’re cracking your mind to get back what the speaker just said just for you to hear him mention it again at the end of his presentation, you feel happy and all smiles isn’t it?  That’s right!  So we see, recaps are very very necessary for ending presentations powerfully!

5. A rare truth

Rare truths are catchy and they command attention. At the mention of a rare truth, everyone wants to hear you better and even someone who lost interest or attention already regains concentration.

“Did you know that you start a business in Nigeria with less than 30,000 Naira?”

This is a rare truth, not everyone knows this. In fact, most people think you need not less than 500,000 Naira to commence a profitable business In Nigeria. At the mention of this rare fact, everyone gives you that look of “Tell me more”. And if this face was given “Towards” the end of your presentation, you can be certain that whatever conclusive proposal you make at the end of your presentation would definitely be accepted by many!

6. Acknowledgement

Proper considerations must be given to acknowledgements as a powerful way of ending presentations. Acknowledging or giving credits to specific persons in the audience or persons at large who in one way or the other aided your presentation or provided relevant support to you or your business is also another good way of creating awareness and inciting people to action. When people get to know that this notable person or persons has a link to your presentation or to the ideas you propounded, they are more likely to take you serious and give heed. That’s the power of influence. So think of giving credits to a couple of people who aided your presentation in a relevant sense next time you have such responsibility or opportunity, it sure has a great effect!

7. A thought-provoking question

A thought-provoking but unanswered question at the end of your presentation leaves your audience perplexed and dumbfounded. They can’t stop trying to think out a perfect answer to you question even after leaving your presence. I remember I once attended a seminar I was so impressed with at the end, in fact the presenter was super qualified. In as much as I really can’t remember word to word everything he said, but I can still remember the three major questions he ended his conversation with till date and I always more often that not refer to those questions whenever I come across issues relating to that topic he discussed. Ending your presentation with a question or questions whether rhetorical or non-rhetorical is a successful way of leaving a lasting impact and engraved perception on the hearts of your audience. They’d always remember you and your speech for that!

8. Visual aids

Visual aids help you relate your audience to the physical environment. Ideas are naturally abstract or meant to exist in memories and understand varies. The way you’ll relate to a particular idea may definitely not be the same way I’d relate to it. That  is where visual aids come on board, visual aids helps your audience see the relationship between your ideas, your statement, your theories to the environment and it gets easier for them to see how it works. For instance, did you know that there are legitimate ways of make money online?  Yes you may know, but not everyone knows this, and even if they do, not everyone believes it. For instance, tell someone about “Helping Hands International” he’ll tell you it’s SCAM. But then tell someone like me about Helping Hands International, I’ll confidently tell you that I’m a proud partner because I’ve tested it and seen it working for me. Though I also didn’t believe at first but when I got to see images and pictures relating to success with this, men I hopped in because those visuals aided me. In a similar vein, visual aids make it easier for you to help your audience see the practicality of your ideologies.

9. A captivating introductory statement

Investment is a very difficult exercise to engage in but partakers are extra rewarded at the end.  This is an introductory statement in practice. A captivating introductory statement repeated at the conclusion of a presentation is as effective as you can imagine because it reawakens the senses.

First, making this statement at the commencement of your presentation suggests that you would be explaining what you meant by that in your delivery. Repeating this statement at the conclusion of your presentation explains that you have successfully buttressed coherently the lucidity of that statement in the most comprehensible sense possible. And your audience is poised to believe that your speech is clear!

Conclusive repetition of your introductory statement shows that you have not deviated from the topic of your presentation and that you’re still fully aware of your stand and propositions.

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