Top 10 Lucrative Business Ideas for People That Hate Selling

10 Lucrative Business Ideas for People That Hate Selling

The interesting thing about life is that there is always something for you. Whatever it is you like can become a source of income. Some people don’t like selling in the traditional sense of it. That is okay. There are so many business ideas for people that hate selling.

It is not everyone that has the ability to sell. It is natural that those people get pissed off when an opportunity to make sales presents itself.

My experience with network marketing has made me come in contact with such people. They will simply tell you that there is no way they are going to sell your products. Some of them own shops in markets. Buying from them could be one of the worst experiences of your life. They are always mean.

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If you are not naturally gifted in the art of selling and you don’t want to learn the art, as I said earlier, it is okay. You won’t die. The 21st century has made it possible to have variety of things to do and earn your living.

There are businesses you can start without having to sell. Here are about 10 business ideas for people who don’t like selling. You pick one and enjoy it.

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Top 10 Business Ideas for people that hate selling

  1. Haulage Business as a Lucrative Business Idea     

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You can become a haulage contractor. Haulage business entails that you transport goods and products from one place to another. Your services will always be needed because most businesses need haulage contractors to help them transport raw materials and distribute finished products.

All you need to start is money to buy or hire a truck, get a driver and a contract with a company to handle that aspect of their business. You don’t have to sell or market anything. Just deliver the damned goods and you make money.

  1. Event planning as a Lucrative Business Idea

event centre business

One of the business ideas for people that hate selling is event planning. Once you have the passion for planning and organization needed to succeed here, then you are good to go. You can do it as either a corporate event planner or a social event planner.

If you want to go corporate, you are to organize meetings, workshops, annual general meetings, luncheons and any other corporate event. On the other hand, the social event planner works on weddings, birthdays, bridal showers or any other social event.

  1. Babysitting as a Lucrative Business Idea

This looks like what the ladies will be interested in doing. It is also known as child minding. This job became lucrative as a result of the fact that many parents are working and don’t really have time for the kids. You can fill in that void. You can also care for adults who are incapable of taking care of themselves.

  1. Tutoring as a Lucrative Business Idea

Another of the business ideas for people that hate selling is tutoring. This requires no form of selling. All that is needed is your sharp mind, excellent teaching skills and the way to convince people of your services. You can tutor online or offline on any area you specialize in.

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  1. Business coaching as a Lucrative Business Idea

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This is a higher form of tutoring but on the business plane. It goes deeper than just tutoring. It involves coaching people on business success. This involves helping people who want to start a business but have no clue on what to do. You need to guide and direct them on what to do. This means you have to study businesses to be able to coach.

  1. Cleaning services  as a Lucrative Business Idea

You can start a cleaning services business. This aspect of business ideas for people that hate selling involves cleaning peoples’ homes and offices. Some people don’t have the time or will to do this for themselves so you can capitalize on that because they are willing to pay. You really need passion for order to be able to this job.

7. Laundry services as a Lucrative Business Idea

Laundry Business Nigeria

Laundry service is a simple business to start but you take your time to learn the skills required and to understand how to maximize your income potential. This requires no form of selling.

8. Market research as a Lucrative Business Idea

Another option for you is to specialize in market survey or research. You should know companies that are planning a start-up, considering adding a new product to their line or making changes to an existing product will require market research. Resultantly, market researchers are contracted to carry out these research tasks. You can earn a living from that.

9. Blogging as a Lucrative Business Idea

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If there’s a topic you love or have passion about or something you would like to talk about and share with the world, you can easily turn that into a money-spinning business. All you need to do is to by create a blog and have people advertise their products or services once the blog starts generating huge traffic.

  1. Freelance writing as a Lucrative Business Idea

Lastly, you can become a freelance writer. You will be paid handsomely by individuals and organizations to write blogs posts, magazine articles, business plans, ebooks, and so on. And you’ll be well-paid for doing that.




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