2022 Top 5 Best Cryptocurrency Wallets In US, UK, Nigeria, India – Updated

5 Best Cryptocurrency Wallets 2022

Today, we will be talking about best cryptocurrency wallets, Best Multi cryptocurrency wallet and best mobile cryptocurrency wallet to use anywhere to securely store your Bitcoins and Altcoins. I will believe you already know what cryptocurrency all is about to have gotten to this level of wanting to know about best cryptocurrency wallet 2022 on iOS and Android.

If you don’t know about that, then let first take a look at answering the question

“what is cryptocurrency wallet”

A cryptocurrency wallet is just like a bank account which is used to store, receive and send your digital currency to another wallet account or use it for the shopping purpose. Whether you want to trade in cryptocurrencies or want to have them as your asset, you must need to have a wallet account.

According to Wikipedia. A Digital wallet and a cryptocurrency wallet is;

  • digital wallet refers to an electronic device or online service that allows an individual to make electronic transactions. This can include purchasing items online with a computer or using a smartphone to purchase something at a store.
  • cryptocurrency wallet stores the public and private keys which can be used to receive or spend the cryptocurrency. A wallet can contain multiple public and private key pairs

Having known this, the next question in your mind now will be what the best bitcoin wallet for android 2018 and best mobile bitcoin wallet iOS.

Below are the Best Crypto Wallet 2022 (EP RATING)

For the purpose giving you the best, this best cryptocurrency wallet rating will be divided into three segments;

  1. Hardware Wallets
  2. Mobile Wallets
  3. Paper Wallets

For the purpose of this article, we will be taking on Hardware wallets and Mobile Bitcoin Wallets.

  1. Hardware Wallets:

hardware wallet is a special type of bitcoin wallet which stores the user’s private keys in a secure hardware device. It’s the most secured type to wallet to keep your Bitcoins.

Top 2 Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallets

  • Ledger Nano S:

ledger nano s website

Ledger Nano S is a USB sized hardware wallet specially designed for storage of cryptocurrency. The hardware wallets are expensive, and the best feature you get aside other types of good cryptocurrency wallets is in terms of security and backup of your private key for the digital currency.

The features of Ledge Nano S include:

  1. Supports Multi-currency: This wallet supports almost all the popular cryptocurrencies out there in the market and allows you to store more than one at the same time in the same wallet.
  2. Built-in Display: With this feature, you can see the transactions going on in your wallet, confirmation and verification is possible because of the LCD screen on the top.
  3. User-Friendly and Easy to operate: While the size of this beautiful crypto hardware wallet is small but still there are buttons to operate which are very easy and comfortable to use.
  4. Security: The security of Ledger Nano S is top notch and for this purpose, there are multiple options available including the option to lock your wallet with a PIN code.
  5. Backup and Restoration: Ledger Nano S enables you to backup and restores your cryptocurrency details and the restoration process is easy and fast.
  6. The Ledger Nano S comes up with a box in which you will get Nano S device, USB cable, an instruction manual to learn how to use, a recovery sheet and other accessories etc.
  • Ledger Blue

ledger blue website

Ledger Blue is another great hardware wallet made by the same company who has made the Ledger Nano S. But the Ledger Blue is more advanced than Ledger Nano S. The wallet is not only bigger in size but has a lot of new options which we have never seen in any other cryptocurrency wallet so far.  Ledger Blue is one of the most expensive hardware wallets available in the market right now due to its stylish look, advanced feature and specification. But it is totally worth it because you are not just getting a wallet to secure your digital currencies but complete personal security devices which also feature the touchscreen, Bluetooth, and USD connectivity.

Looking at the Ledger Blue hardware, it looks like a mini iPad or tablet but when you explore it you will discover that this wallet is quite different from the ordinary tablets which have been designed for entertainment and relaxation purposes.

Also, it’s smaller in size when compared to devices like iPad so do not mix or mistake it with them.

There is an onboarding option to control the wallet, settings option to set which suits you the most.

You can make backup easily by tabbing a few times etc. If you are looking for an advanced version of a good hardware wallet for your digital currency then you must check this wallet right now.

Indeed, Ledger Blue is definitely among the best cryptocurrency wallet of 2022.

You might consider reading this article from Cloud Wards on how to back up your bitcoin wallet.

  1. Mobile App Wallet

Mobile wallets (Android or iOS) are the least secured crypto wallets. This is because of the fact that mobile devices tend to get stolen, lost and break down. If you have your Bitcoins and Altcoins in a mobile wallet, it means that the private key is stored on that device, and therefore if the device eventually gets ruined or stolen you can’t access your coins anymore. Having said that, you can always create a backup for your wallet by using the 12-24 word seed phrase shown to you when you first install the wallet. Now, you can see the reasons why it’s very important to keep this seed phrase in a safe place and out of anyone else’s reach but your own.

You can keep them in a

  1. private email address
  2. Dropbox or Google Drive
  • copied out on a paper and kept somewhere safe, etc.

Top 3 Best Cryptocurrency Mobile App Wallets 2022

  1. Truzact:

truzact website

Truzact comes first in the list of best mobile crypto wallet iOS and Android as it supports multiple cryptocurrencies and runs on both iOS and Android devices. I personally use Truzact wallet to keep most of my funds as it’s very easy to use and has great features including a next of kin feature that allows you to transfer your asset to a loved one in a sad case of death.

Features Of Truzact Multi cryptocurrency App

  • Supports multiple cryptocurrencies.
  • Free transaction fee using the transfer feature.
  • DCA and Crypto instant buy feature
  • USDT savings for a 10%APY
  • USDT Hedge fund investment up to 20% ROI
  • Next of kin feature that allows you to transfer asset incase of death or absense.
  • Crypto donation features for fundraising.
  • Highly secured as wallet runs only on Mobile App

Download Truzact App for Android and iOS Here

  1. Coinomi

Coinomi has been there and seems to be among the oldest multi-cryptocurrency wallets out there. It has similar features to Truzact except that It does not support the free transactions and coin swap feature.

Features Of Coinomi

  • Supports multi cryptocurrencies
  • Segwit enabled
  • Coin Swap
  • High security
  1. MyCelium Android Bitcoin wallet:

MyCelium is a very popular cryptocurrency mobile app wallet as said to be among the best cryptocurrency wallet of 2018 as it features a wealth of advanced privacy and security features.

The wallet can be a bit complicated for newbie users but it’s still one of the safest and fastest on the market. As an open source software program, MyCelium is constantly being upgraded with the latest source codes and featured for a cryptocurrency wallet.

The wallet doesn’t have a web or desktop interface meaning coins can be accessed only through your mobile wallet. The good news is that you can use Mycelium together with a hardware wallet in order to get maximum security for your coins.

All the various cryptocurrency wallets 2019 mentioned above are all good and your decision to going with any depends solely on you. Personally, I use Satowallet and Ledger Nano S apart from the funds I have on Exchange websites.

If you need a recommendation on best online bitcoin wallet to use, let us know I the comment section. But then, Coinbase, Blockchain, and Coinpayments are my top three picks for best bitcoin cryptocurrency web wallet.

Let us know what you think in the comment section.



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