My Reasons For Moving 50% of Crypto Assets from Exchange to Truzact

My Reasons For Moving 50% of Crypto Assets from Exchange to Truzact

cognitive biases in crypto

As the cryptocurrency field expands at an alarming rate, so are the dangers and issues associated with the different methods through which assets are stolen on a regular basis. As a result, there is a need for a preventive step to safeguard ones’ crypto asset holdings from hackers, etc.

It should not always be about buying a certain cryptocurrency, but rather how safe the assets acquired littered across many exchanges are. As a result, when we choose which crypto asset to acquire, we must also consider how to effectively safeguard them, as security is critical to our assets.


Buying and selling crypto or moving one’s digital assets to a safe wallet would need a leap by taking extra precautions to ensure the security of one’s assets on exchanges, which goes beyond just HODLing those cryptocurrencies. A custodial wallet that enables you to trade, sell, or transfer to another wallet, or even another wallet you own. Truzact is a custodial wallet designed to address the global issue of Next-of-Kin and bad HODLE habits among crypto investors


Oftentimes, finding a safe and secure wallet to keep your crypto assets and transact with them may be a daunting process. On the other side, in this article, we’ll look at My Reasons for Moving 50% of my Assets from Exchanges to Truzact.


Why should you use Truzact?

Truzact is a safe, efficient, and secure method to save, invest, store, and trade crypto assets. With incredible features to further secure your account. Truzact is an all-in-one platform designed with your financial projections in mind; it is an all-in-one suite application that assists you in building money from the tech blockchain digital economy. Your network is your most valuable asset on Truzact; create, build, grow, and secure it.

As a regular wallet, Truzact provides its customers with the following capabilities that are not commonly available on other platforms, making it a haven where I store 50% of my crypto assets. 

Invest and Save

Truzact enables its customers to effortlessly and automatically save and invest crypto to earn 10% interest per annum on its secure savings and with flexible hedge fund investment features that allow you to invest securely and confidently on the go. Grow your money with confidence by investing in pre-vetted investment opportunities on 10-20% interest annum.

Policy on Next of Kin

We all have crypto assets scattered throughout exchanges, but have we taken the time to consider what happens to those assets in the unfortunate event of death or absence? As a result, truzact has a strong next of kin policy that allows you to transfer your digital assets to your loved ones or family in the unfortunate event of death. So, use Truzact to create your digital will.

Raise Private and Public Donations

With Truzact, you can easily raise public and private donations to support your financial campaigns from anybody, anywhere in the globe, with a few simple click. Your unique donation link can be shared with anybody to urge them to donate crypto to you. Use cryptocurrencies as a social payment method as well.


Truzact can be used as a typical crypto wallet for P2P and OTC transactions, as well as for many other fun features that will be added to the app in the near future.


Your crypto assets are secure and protected with Truzact.



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