How to Create And Sell Information Product in Nigeria

Knowing How to Create And Sell Information Product in Nigeria will earn you more money. Creating and selling Information product in Nigeria is very crucial considering the advancement of technology today. But before you start to create and information product, you will first have to focus on a niche.

Just Focus On A Niche!

It will be difficult to become a celebrated “infopreneur” if you don’t focus on a niche. The idea of choosing a niche for your information products cannot be overemphasized.

Focusing on a particular niche not only helps you build confidence in your audience, but will also make them see you as an authority. As you continually dig deep in your chosen niche, you will learn and deliver more. You will be heading to failure if you want your information product to be everything to everybody. Focusing on your niche will lead you into spending some time researching about your ideal buyers; where they hang out, how active they are online and what their average age and income are.

How to Create And Sell Information Product in Nigeria

How to Create And Sell Information Product in Nigeria

But before you choose a niche to focus on, here are few things you must consider:

1. Your passion

Where there is passion, there is profit either now or in the future. I have discovered that anything one has the propensity to do at least twice a week has the potential to be turned into a stream of income. When you make your passion your niche, you have overcome the challenge of losing enthusiasm at the long run.

2. How relevant the niche is to customers

There is no point spending time crafting an information product customers do not have need of. For you to kick off some of the bottlenecks most entrepreneurs experience in getting customers to buy their products, I would suggest you become aware of the products people often use but complain about. By coming up with an information product that discusses them in details, you can be sure of making huge money in Nigeria.

3. Your past and present experiences

Have you been raped before, duped by a close pal, worked in a reputable firm, and moved from being an employee to becoming self-employed or you invested in stocks before and lost completely but suddenly rose to prominence again? Those are interesting experiences worth making a niche from.

Entrepreneurs in Nigeria who stick to one niche and dominate it with a flood of quality content get more patronage than those who go niche-hopping.

Basic Requirements for Making Money from Information Products in Nigeria

In order to make money from the sales of information products, here are the basic requirements:

  1. A website or blog in Nigeria.
  2. Sound computer set with internet facility.
  3. A well-optimized online presence.
  4. Build your own community.

Online Markets for Sales of Information Products in Nigeria


How to Start Launching Your Information Products in Nigeria

Hire A Coach

The place of a coach is irreplaceable if you want to save yourself stress, time, energy and money as you succeed in the process of doing something you have never done before.

Why did I say hiring a coach will Save You Stress, Time, Energy and Money? Huh! Yes. Hiring a coach helps you build a SYSTEM that is proven to work. From their wealth of experience in creating information products that were sold out in thousands and even millions of copies, they can help you in fashioning out what works and what won’t work.

What I struggled to achieve in four years as an entrepreneur with eight information products in audio, print and digital versions are what some of my protégés are achieving in two years. There is no point trying to reinvent the wheel. With the assistance of a coach, you can be sure of crafting quality information products. Most often, recent exploits of your coach becomes your first impression.

Interview Experts

Waiting until you have are an expert, own a blog, grow a fan base of over a hundred thousand online and offline and become phenomenal in your chosen professional before creating information products that can make you millions can be frustrating, discouraging and an insensitive excuse. There is no excuse good enough to limit you from making money online and offline through the sales of your well-crafted information product. For every niche you want your information product to focus on, there are experts eager to help if you discover early the things you ought to do.

Over the years I have been interviewing experts (bestselling authors, royal majesties, politicians, consultants, business gurus and university lecturers) and some of them I invited to teach in my online conference, I discovered there is this level of excitement they have whenever opportunity to teach what they know are given to them.  This excitement makes them unleash their best without necessarily asking for consultation fee.

David Okorie used this strategy of interviewing experts to gather information and sponsorship of his first publication, “I Never Knew I Rich.” At the age of 27, Oliver Samwer (now a billionaire) after interviewing hundreds of entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley went on to publish his first book, “America’s Most Successful Start-ups” with the information he collected. One exciting thing about this strategy is that you don’t need a start-up capital to embark on it.

In conclusion, let me leave you with this word: If you think you have all the time to create the fortune you desire, you need to think again. Please leave a comment below if you need help in getting this business started…



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