How to Increase Your Personal Worth and Value in Nigeria

I want to show you how you can develop mastery and competence, increase your personal value and worth in Nigeria, strengthen your influence and significance, make best use of your potentialities, sustain relevance and significance over time, sustain your success and compete for the changing future, and a way to work on your weaknesses and grow your strengths. Are you interested? Yes? Okay read this as carefully as you can. Don’t skip or skim!

Are you looking for how you can transform yourself from a mediocre to someone who is indispensable? Would it be okay if you increase your salary by 20% or 35% by using simple proving tools that are guaranteed to help you make a leap this year? Okay, what is the most important ingredient that can make you a truly amazing individual whether in school or at work place? All of these are what I am set to share with you in less than 5 minutes. Still interested? Yes? Read on!

Moment of truth

Let’s face it- the economy is bad. It, in fact, has always been bad. Things are not getting any better. People are losing their jobs. The price of things is getting higher by the day, and if they ever get low it is because they are of cheap quality. Today, degree is more or less a common certificate. If you are looking for job you’d probably see people with two degrees including master’s degree scrambling for the same job with you. Things are not getting any better. Waiting on the economy to get better is not a solution because chances are it will never get any better. This is not a curse- it’s simply the acknowledgment of real life facts. So what can you really do to make a difference? What can you do to avoid becoming a victim of the collapsing global economy? If you are interested, read on!

The greatest advice of the previous centuries: go to school, get good grades, get a good job and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, this advice is not only outdated but out of stock in the current economy. In recent years (industrial period) it used to be “work hard and harder, and you will make it.” Well, that advice too is outdated and ineffective. So what really is the best advice for this age? What will it take to make a transition that rewards you both personally and financially? You can’t wait to hear this right? Don’t worry, we are there already.

The greatest investment you can ever make in your entire god-given life on earth is not in stocks and real estate, and it’s definitely not in Naira bet. The best investment is investment in YOURSELF.

As the leadership expert and author John Maxwell would say, “Your future is dependent upon your personal growth. Improving yourself daily guarantees you a future filled with possibilities.”

It has become very paramount in this age that you not only invest in your business but also in yourself.  By investing in your life you will be increasing your personal value- you will be preparing yourself for inexhaustible economic potentials.  By investing in yourself you will be making yourself irreplaceable within an organization, you will be making daily progress that makes your place and contributions relevant in a way that your organization can neither deny nor ignore you. If you want to start investing in yourself here is a quick guide:

How to Increase Your Personal Worth and Value in Nigeria

How to Increase Your Personal Worth and Value in Nigeria

1. Self education

Personal growth begins not through formal education but through self education. Self education is the education you give yourself concerning yourself and for yourself. It is the art of positioning oneself to learning the fundamental things about one’s self that are responsible for his success as well as failure. Things like your personal philosophy form the basis of your lifestyle and affect your success in life. Your character and habits form the strength and stability (or lack thereof) of your life. Your strengths and weaknesses determine to what extent you can go in creating history or becoming a public ridicule. Your temperament determines why you act the way you do, what could be your flairs and what could be your odds. And unfortunately, we don’t learn much of self education in school. Self education is something you give yourself while, before or even after schooling. It has the power to give you some sense of direction to where you need improvement and how to go about improving them.

2. Growth plan

Growth must be strategic or it becomes unhealthy. Every form of development takes some form of planning. Talk of project development or building development for instance, all of them require some form of formal planning which provides direction, estimation, duration and measurement. Without some plan there is no focus, there will be no priority, and the value of certain factors may not even be noticed. A development plan provides us with estimation- cost estimation, risks involved and exit strategies or other options. Therefore, personal development takes some development plan: what do you want? Who do you want to be in the next three, five to fifteen years? What do you need today that will help you to become who/what you want to be in few years coming? How do you begin to get those necessary tools assuming you don’t have them already? When do you start doing what? How do you even know when you are making progress?

3. Take daily action

It doesn’t matter what you desire and how much you talk or even write about it. By the end of the day what matters is WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW THAT WOULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE? “Success in most things comes not from some gigantic stroke of fate…” says, Andrew Wood “But from simple, incremental progress.” It is what you are doing today that would eventually determine your final result. This is the secret of extraordinary achievers- they don’t wait and hope, they act while they hope things turn out right. They put every detail to action. Your action has to be consistent with your plan- it has to be in line and it has to be done over and over again so that it can yield results. And your action has to be persistence- you have to persist even when the weather seems not-so-conducive. You could achieve better result by turning your desires into goals and breaking those big goals into small steps that are applicable on daily basis.

4. Focus on wholeness

You must understand that you as a human being have six major areas of your life that need addressing, dressing and strategic improvements. Your spiritual life or faith life which need devotion and spiritual activities to grow and keep fit; your physical body which needs excise and good food to keep fit and remain healthy; your psychological life which needs schooling and mental empowerment to remain sharp, creative and functional; your economic life which needs training and development in order to increase your capacity to earn, manage and use wealth wisely; your political or leadership life which needs a platform to be enhanced, brewed and actively developed so you can be a responsible individual in any society or organization you find yourself and finally, your social life which has to be grooved so you can be able to relate and interrelate with people whether in the family or at work place. All of these contribute to your true success as an individual. If you are found deficient in one of this area it usually affects the other area in some way.

Imagine that you are very spiritual but have no money; imagine that you are mentally sound but lacks social cum emotional intelligence; imagine that you are socially good, impressive and magical but you have no sense of spirituality, you have no faith in your maker… what would these make of you? We were created whole, we should always strive to be whole. This is of course very challenging but it is also possible if we devote to developing every area of our life in little ways on daily basis.

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