How to Monetize Your Idea As a Freelance Writer in Nigeria

This article is promise fulfilled. In the earlier piece, I mentioned I’d go further on specific ways to monetize your idea as  a content creator or freelance writer in Nigeria. I must mention that the idea in this case is relative to the individual. It could be based on a subject of interest but basically, writing or content creation is the vehicle that leads to that destination.

Let’s roll!

I touched on how important it is to begin on the side. Beginning on the side allows your idea to grow through the ranks. This is an often neglected step that comes back to haunt many. Let me add that many are obsessed about the idea of an idea. Your idea doesn’t confer any superhuman powers on you. It just shows that you are human.

” Never get obsessed about the idea of an idea. No idea is new. However, all ideas are actually the reinvention of a previous idea or concept but with a contextual relevance in the present”.

Did you get that?

The first step is Start on the side which I have written earlier and I will be going to step 2 and 3 in this article.

How to Monetize Your Idea As a Freelance Writer in Nigeria

How to Monetize Your Idea As a Freelance Writer in Nigeria

Step 2. Build Trust

This is a defining step on the road to monetize your idea as a freelance writer in Nigeria. This is where your possibilities call home.

“Your ‘on the side gig’ helps you gain confidence in the validity of your idea. Building trust on the other hand, helps others gain confidence in the validity of your idea”.

You build trust essentially by building a credible reserve of accessible content. Your focus here isn’t on money. Yes, you will earn but are you going to pay for your products or services yourself? In building trust, you’re creating a reputation around a particular niche or field. Consistency is the womb that births reputation. Hence, you have to be consistent in your delivery via:

Build Trust Through A Media Outlet

This is your town crier in the village square. Its major aim is to draw attention to what you have to say. Hence, you MUST have something to say. Articulating your idea is essential before you talk of monetization. You must pay great attention to fine tuning your idea and then create a convincing content around it. Your message is what will make people buy your products at the end of the day and writing will be your loyal sales person. The message determines the medium you’d use to disseminate regular information regarding your niche.

Your media outlet refers to your blog, Facebook page, Twitter handle or a combination of these. Primarily, any avenue that can help showcase your ability effectively. If a budding make up artiste doesn’t have a site yet, she can benefit from using her Instagram page for example to deliver her message. She could create a daily themed series on how to get a glam red carpet facial look and tag other make up artistes or brands.

There is always an outlet that fits your current financial state. This doesn’t mean you should be miserly though. In monetizing your idea as writer, investing resources isn’t negotiable.

Build Trust By Getting Featured as Guest

This is a typical two for the price of one offering. Here, you’re leveraging on the platform of another fellow and getting your message out. I advice that you should be strategic and specific here. You’d get better results if the fellow is in your niche or within the value chain of your industry. Practically, say you’re a website designer. Your best bet could be to guest post regularly on a tech blog in Nigeria on issues relating to website design such as how to choose the right themes for your site.

As a thought leader, you could feature on a tweet chat on a subject regarding your field of expertise. Your task is to leave a strong value trail and KILL all doubt regarding your competence via your compelling content.

Go beyond offering basic information that folks can get on Google or You-tube and quench thirsty souls. There is a place for basic knowledge but the higher you go on the pyramid of content delivery, the more money you can potentially make.

Build Trust Through Reviews

Naturally, you’d get offers or see opportunities to lend your voice on a project, an initiative or a cause within your industry. Take them when they come. If you’re asked to test a product in its beta stage for a fin tech app as a techie, please do so. Don’t just give bland feedback, show your stuff. Many have gained entrance into organizations via this route.

Some brands actually pay reviewers of their products depending on how well positioned you’re in the industry. This is true for publishing brands that plan to launch a book. It all boils than to the perception and degree of trust you’ve earned. There are certain insider information that reviews provide which escape many. So when next you’re asked to do a book review, don’t treat it shabbily.

In building trust, don’t abandon your personality. It’s what sets you apart in the market place.

If you love to tell stories, bless us with tales. If your sense of humor will make Ali Baba retire, don’t be shy. Whatever your personality, infuse it in your content.This way, your audience know what to expect whenever they visit you on any medium. That’s trust!

Step 3. Monetize

All that I have said so far in this two part article boils down to this point. This is what ushers the alert. I assume that if you’ve committed to points 1 and 2 then you’re probably a big deal in your niche or industry by now. It’s now time to consolidate all your efforts as you have gained mastery of two critical assets- your audience and a process.

Essentially, you now have disciples of your content and have gained mastery over the process through which you deliver your content. It’s now time to create products and services without being scared of folks not paying. If you’ve served well, they will pay well.

You can start with giving free versions of your products or services like the Suya merchant does. If you’re a freelance writer in Nigeria, you can offer a sneak peek of about two chapters of your soon to be released book. This is what the Suya merchant calls ‘testing’.

As a photographer, you can offer a free weekend masterclass to those who subscribe for a VIP membership in your closed Facebook group photo community. Context plays a key role here on your intended outcome. Having a long term view will help you create sustainable offerings.

In summary, Start on the side>>> Build trust>>>>Monetize

I hope you found this enlightening. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. Kindly share it!



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