The Best Ways To Market Your Products In Nigeria

The Best Ways To Market Your Products In Nigeria

The lifeline of any business is marketing. You can only succeed in business and make money when you have the ability to market your products.

Marketing your product is so important that it is better to have a good marketing strategy than to have a good product. Don’t get it twisted. I’m not downplaying the importance of a good product but what importance is your marvelous product if you don’t have a way to get it across to people.

Related: How to start an advertising business in Nigeria

Have you ever wondered why big companies spend huge sum of money on advertising their products even when people already know about it? It is quite simple. The market is ever widening and every time you advertise a product, you are doing one very important thing; you are marketing it.

When a company or business entity stops advertising, it gradually starts dying.

The business you are involved in is not important here. Your kind of product is inconsequential. People have to know what you have or you are not making a dime. You have to market your products to them.

You can be importing your products or you can be producing within. It doesn’t matter how you get your products. The most important thing is how people get your products. That is the very reason for knowing how to market your products and services.

also read: the best 6 social media advertising platforms in Nigeria

With good marketing strategy, I guarantee that you will make enormous profit. Except your products and services are for charity purposes, you can only make money if people buy your products or hire your services.

I suggest you read and know how to market your products in Nigeria if you want to make money from your products. I believe that your product is too good to stay with a few people. The more people that know about it, the more money you will make from it.

Platforms to Market your products in Nigeria

To market your product or products ,in Nigeria you need to know these marketing or advertising platforms. Essentially, we divided them into the paid platforms and the free platforms.

  1. The Paid Platforms

Money is the easiest way to make money. To market your products, it is important to invest a considerable sum into it. You have to pay for adverts both online and offline. See our list advertising companies in Nigeria. For the online platforms, You should visit these major online advertising platforms listed below and chose the one you like.

  1. The Free Platforms

The truth is that money might not give you the maximum results. No doubt it brings about the higher results. You can still market your products even if you don’t have enough money. There are free platforms to do that. Below are some of them.

  • Classified websites in Nigeria

To market your products on classified websites is quite easy. You can upload almost anything and everything for free and sell them at your own price at the websites. Some of them are



  • Nigeria Business directories

You can register with any of the business directory and list your business for free and you will be able to market your products



  • Forum

Forum websites provide you with an amazing opportunity to market your products. Some of the forum websites in Nigeria include:

  • E-commerce and market place sites in  Nigeria

You can sign up with an e-commerce store today or you can create your own and use it to market your products today. However, as a result of the technical twists and high cost and other challenges of owning and running an e-commerce store, it is advisable that you just sign up with an already existing store. You can create your own someday when you are ready. Below are the existing E-commerce stores in Nigeria.



You can add your own ways that are not covered here if there are any. We will like that very much. Feel free to share.



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