How To Improve Startup Performance: Key Factors To Consider

How To Improve Startup Performance: Key Factors To Consider

Improve Startup Performance

To improve startup performance, founders and entrepreneurs need to understand more things are working against them than for them. Time, competition, to mention but a few tend to work against you and your startup. So, if you want to improve startup performance, you will have to pay attention to the factors that determine startup performance.

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Running a business establishment or startup is not easy. You must keep a close eye on your startup performance at all times. Learn to stay ahead of issues before they get out of hand and harm your business. In this article, we have outlined ways you can adopt to improve startup performance.

Key Factors To Improve Startup Performance

  1. Hire dedicated and passionate employees

Every top and successful entrepreneur knows that his employees are his biggest asset. At the onset or launch of a new startup, mistakes occur frequently and often. You will need to have dedicated and passionate employees willing to give their all at all times. Employees that will be willing to help others complete their task for the benefit of the startup are essential. To improve startup performance, you need to have employees who are very passionate about the company.

You cannot learn how to build a startup from scratch without the right employees. To make a company more successful, hiring capable employees who are committed and passionate to build with you is crucial. To understand how passionate and enthusiastic a potential employee is, ask these questions during the interview:

  • “What are your hobbies?” You should ask them the potential employee why he or she loves the hobby. Most, if not all, the time, passionate people show great enthusiasm for what they do beyond work. Such persons are the ones who can bring a diverse perspective to their roles in the workplace.
  • “How generous are you?” Those who are generous love to see other people succeed. It is in them to want to help people grow and become better in life. Inquire from them on how they help people outside of work.
  • “What excites you in life?” The passionate ones are never afraid to show emotion. Be observant to know what makes them excited when new ideas are discussed during a conversation. Note their reaction when you bring up that topic again.
  1. Have a clear goal

When you become distracted by irrelevant issues, you will most likely waste resources in the process. It would help if you remained focused by defining your purpose and staying on track. Constantly ask yourself if what you are doing is essential to your core business goals and values. If the answer is no, then you should have a rethink about your actions. If you ask successful entrepreneurs about ideas on how to make a startup successful, they will always remind you of staying focused on the task. Distraction will not do you any good if you want to improve startup performance.

Read: How to overcome the challenge of scaling your startup

  1. Build strong relationships with your customers

Remember that the customer’s perception is your reality. So, to improve startup performance, your clients have a huge role to play. There has never been a great entrepreneur without a great customer base. It is important that you have strong bonds with your customers. Always hold your early customers very dear to your heart because they believed in you even when you were a new player in the market. Always let your clients know you care and have them at heart by sharing ideas and seeking their input concerning new ideas.

Mistakes are bound to happen in the line of business, but if you show your dedication and commitment to fix the mistake as soon as possible, you are likely to gain back trust from your clients. If you already have a strong relationship with your clients, you are less likely to lose that trust when anything goes wrong in the business. Inquire from your customers about the problems and challenges that they have faced and then go the extra mile to solve such problems.

  1. Create a functional and viable system

To maintain flexibility in your startup and make things run efficiently, you need to put a system a place. You need to impose a structure on the system. If you fail to do this, there is the likelihood that you spend virtually all your time overseeing what others are doing rather than building your company. A system will help you to seamlessly handle your business activities very well.

  1. Give it some time

Remember that Rome was not built in a day, so to succeed, you have to give it time. You will experience failures in business, and there is no doubt about that. It may get to the point where you will think that there is no way for you to succeed. To an extent, you may begin to consider starting another venture. At this point, you need to exercise patience with your business and give it a little time to flourish.

That you don’t have any business in hand does not mean that you will fire all your employees. Most difficult situations demand and require financial support, and that is the reason why it is best to plan for such situations before diving into it. You may consider applying for a business loan before launching your startup. If possible, make an arrangement for a parallel source of income. This will help improve your chances of making it through tough times.


The five factors mentioned above are the foundation of any business and the key indicators of success. Make out time to consider each point raised and see how you can adopt them into your business.  








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