How To Start an Online Business In Nigeria That Will Make You Rich This Year

Step by Step Guide How To Build a Profitable Online Business That Will Make You Rich Before the End of the Year

Right now, you will agree with me that the internet is one of the best places to make the easiest money only if you know how to go about it.

building a solid online business

Reasons being that it costs you little to nothing when compared to the cost of starting a business offline.

Because of how lucrative online business is, people are rushing into the game, both small and large scale businesses are beginning to adopt the practices of selling online.

NOTE: You’re about to learn how to build a solid business online that if done well, can be making you nothing less than 50,000 to 100,000 Naira on daily basis. YES! You heard me right. We have tested, produced the result and confirmed this process.

Also, this post is kinda Lengthy, so relax, get comfortable or get yourself a glass of chilled water and digest this life-changing piece.

My big Friend Precious Ng made over 1 Billion Naira last year (2016) selling different products on the internet and the good thing here now is that he wants to reveal his secrets to you. so, at the end of this article, your job should be copy and follow the laid down process.




Dude have crushed it big and I can bet you he is currently the most successful guy on the Internet.

In starting an online Business, there are certain rules or better still, there are basic procedures in building an internet business that makes 6-7 figures every month.

The experts in this game are currently using this method on internet business to crush millions every month here in Nigeria.

The problem with even getting started in the first place is that most people (IF NOT YOU) will think this is hard because of the processes involved.

Well, That’s very true if you are LAZY and want to remain a broke ass dude.

Don’t forget that the year is coming to its end and you have nothing to show for it. Very soon, the Malaysian Boys will start coming back to take your girlfriend away from you. LOL.

So, if I were you, I will simply make up my mind and learn how to build a sustainable internet business here in Nigeria that’s sure to make you 6-7 figures every month.

What I’m I trying to point out?

The process is simple and anyone including a JSS1 boy/girl can learn it.

If Prosperity Kenneth of Cyber Geak, a 14-year-old and JSS3 boy can become the number one person in the list of top Nigerian Bloggers to learn SEO from within a space of 5-7 months, then you can do this in 1-4 weeks, depending on your assimilation power.

So, if you are reading this article and you have zero knowledge on how to start an online business, don’t worry, you’re covered as we will dig very deep into it with the step by step process on how to go about it.

I quickly want to summarize my Friend’s Nnamani Czar Nonso’s PDF E-book which can Be seen on Create Build Sale.

Before I dive into Talking about the Ebook, I want to let you know that I’m a product/student of Precious NG, (THE SAME PERSON I WILL LINK YOU TO LEARN FROM).

I came into this journey of online business in 2015 and so far, I have recorded huge success to it. I have no office anywhere and I don’t pay any tax to make my money. So, you don’t have to worry about the high cost of starting a business.

In a summary of what you need to Start a Successful business online in Nigeria;

tools neeed to build a profitable online business

You need

  1. Good internet connection
  2. Have a product to sell
  3. A website
  4. An email Autoresponder
  5. Quality time for your online business – Taking care of your customers

Let me break it down as according to Czar.

  1. Coming from the first point, It an internet business in Nigeria, so, you definitely need steady and commendable signal to keep you on top your game.


  1. Have a product to Sell:

To explain this, we will use your mobile phone as an example. So,

If you go on your Facebook timeline and advertise your phone for sale. If someone buys it from your list of friend, congratulations, you just made money from the internet.

The explanation is that simple

The SIMPLEST thing to sell online is Information and digital products. So what the heck is digital product?

It’s very simple.

Digital Products is ANYTHING that you need to download from the internet or use on the internet. For example….

Those MP3s you download online are digital products.

The videos on YouTube or anywhere else on the internet

It becomes an “Information digital product” when you put helpful information inside it and start selling it to make money.

For instance,

Dbanj’s mp3 is NOT an information digital product.

But when Dbanj makes a video on “how to make egusi soup” or “how to make koko garri” and starts selling it on the internet, then he is selling Digital Information Product.

  1. You Need A website:

a career at entrepreneur nigeria at Internet Business in nigeria

You cannot run a successful internet business in Nigeria or in any other country without having a website to go with. On that, you will need to choose the best website package that best serves the business online you’re venturing into. Kindly read up this articles about different web hosting plans and how to choose the ones that will serve you best. In also include some recommended hosts to go with – from my personal experience.

  1. You Need an Email Autoresponder:

An autoresponder is a program that automatically generates a set response to all messages sent to a particular email address.

Have you ever gone to a website and you were given a form to enter your email address and immediately, you were sent a mail from the site? Yes! I guess.


That is autoresponder working with your brains.

In starting an online business here in Nigeria, email autoresponder is a must as it’s a tool you will be using to keep in touch with your customers. Below is the list of Email Auto responders I recommend

  1. Quality Time For Your Online Business:

This is where many people get it all wrong with their internet business. Making it a part-time job. If you’re planning to make this a part-time business, then I’m sorry to say; ‘YOU MIGHT NOT GET THE BEST”

Reasons being that every solid business online has a dedicated person managing it.

You will need to give your online Business quality time just like offline business. Let’s me not go deep again to avoid getting you bored.

Having Known All These,

Let’s Take A look at the Insider Tips on Start A Profitable Internet Business In Nigeria

The Step By Step Process To Follow

  1.  Pick A Niche

Now this is the most important step in starting online business in Nigeria, and for this, just to make everything easy for you, Mr. Precious NG of Create Build Sell released a full material on it first

Below is a glimpse of the list on CBS Facebook group.

30 Hot Selling Product List in Online Business In Nigeria

  1. Flawless Skin Whitening
  2. Get Uninterrupted 24/7 Electricity
  3. Grow and Groom Your Beards
  4. Get Attention of Any Woman and Get Her Number
  5. Make Any Woman Laugh & Get Her Interested in You
  6. Save Your Marriage from Collapse
  7. Get Rid of Dark Knuckles & Knees
  8. Cut Down Your Power Bill
  9. Get Six Pack Abs and Build Up Muscles
  10. Loose Weight and Get Flat Tummy
  11. Get Bigger Butt
  12. Get Attention of Any Woman on Social Media and Make Her Fall in Love with You
  13. Naturally Cure Fibroid
  14. Cure/Get Rid/Prevent Bad Breadth (Mouth Odor)
  15. How to Whiten Your Teeth to Look Flawless
  16. Prevent Body Odor
  17. Turn Your Home into a Secured Fortress That’s Impenetrable
  18. Self Defense/Evasion Tactics that Will Protect You from Any Situation (even Kidnapping)
  19. Quit Alcohol Addiction
  20. Naturally Cure Stretch Marks
  21. Make Penis Bigger
  22. Tighter Virgin-Like Vagina
  23. Stop Heartburn Forever
  24. Permanently Cure Arthritis
  25. Learning Course for Your Children to Make Them Smarter than Their Schoolmates
  26. Make Any Man Sexually Obsessed with You
  27. How to Get A Loan from Any Bank in Nigeria Easily
  28. Get An Interest Free Loan
  29. Get A Loan without Collateral
  30. Build Your Own Beautiful House with a Mere Civil Servant Salary

The hot-selling product list about will go a long way to determine whether you will make money or NOT. Although that’s not all, the list above goes a long way to helping you come up with a profitable product for your successful internet business.

Some products sell hotter than some.

For instance, very few people will read a book about “how to train a dog”….even if they like dogs But guess how many guys will buy a book on “how to land a hot sexy girl in bed”

A lot, right? Why? The reason is simple.

The second one strikes the emotion of people.

Whatever product that strikes people’s emotion sells like hot cake.

These are called “emotional products”

There are 3 niches you can find emotional products.

  1. Health niche. A diabetic patient, for example, will do anything to learn how to eat healthy. Because he doesn’t want to die, Right? Now that’s Emotions.
  2. Money: A broke guy will love to learn how to learn a skill, that can make him money so he will buy a nice car and show off. Emotions again.

You are getting the real gist here.

  1. Another emotional topic is sex and romance…..and so on and so forth.

From the list of niches up there, you can find something cool to hold onto, meanwhile, the list of niches mentioned above doesn’t mean you must sell just from this niche. If the niche you want to go into now is not amongst this 3, do not despair my dear. You’ve not see anything yet.

Why did I say so?

The CBS program launching on October 30th shall make everything clearer to you and how to sell tons of loads of whatever niche you decide to go into. Kindly Click Here to GET INTO CBS.

So, I’m done talking about Picking a niche for your online business. Next

  1. Create A Product

p 2 – CREATE your product This is simple. First, you need to select how you want to package your product. There are 3 formats you need to package your information in – Write your information in MS.Word and convert it to pdf – Or….record your information with your phone or whatever and save as Mp3 – Or….dear friend, shoot a video of you or someone else talking about the information, save and start selling

  1. Set up Your Platform

Wait a minute! What is even a platform?

That one? It’s simple naw

A platform is simply a website. Just as stated above, you need a website to do any type of business online.

If you’re getting frustrated right now about having zero knowledge of developing a website, don’t worry, CREATE BUILD SELL go you covered and you will be taken one step after the other on how to set up a website for your online business in less then 30 minutes. In a simple view,

All you need about getting a website to start your business online is to

One: Buy A Domain.

That is the name of your website (which Serves and your Business name)

Two: Buy Hosting.

This is like a space on the internet where you will keep your website. (Serve as your shop)

NOTE: don’t rush into buying a domain name and from any web hosting company without reading this article on the different types of web hosting plans and the one that will serve you best. I also listed the best hosting platform to try there.

When you’re done reading the article, come back to this one and continue with this guide.

Or better still, here are the list of the Hosting companies I personally recommend you try.

  • Inmotion Hosting – This website is currently hosted with InMotion hosting
  • SiteGround – My Major Client’s website that I manage is hosted there
  • BlueHost – Most of my student are here and they’re cool
  • Namecheap – My News and Job blogs are on Inmotion
  • Web4Africa – the only Nigerian Host that made it to the list, also where I bought the domain of this website.
  • FlyWheel Hosting – Not using it but recommended by WordPress.

Any other thing apart from the above hosting companies listed! I don’t know anything about them because I’ve not tried them out.

You’re on your own now.

Once you’re done buying hosting, You will then have to install WordPress on your website which can be done from your hosting Cpanel…

In just a few clicks, you should get that fixed.

WAIT! I almost forgot that you don’t know how to go about this and maybe needing the step by step guide on it.

On that, I will introduce Create Build Sell (CBS) to you.

The program is designed to take you step by step (WITH VIDEO GUIDES AND SUPPORT) to go with.

You will learn how to do all these things in few minutes and you will be able to set up and run your own website and will drag you to the banking hall every month.

Kindly Go here now and join the waiting list and get informed the moment CBS drops on the 31st of October. Go to to learn more.

After you are done setting up your website, next thing you will need on your Website is a squeeze page.

What is Squeeze Page?

A Squeeze page is simply a page on your website where you optimize to let your website visitors give you their email address. Most times, you use bait to get people to subscribe and give you the permission to send them mails.

The major reason why you need a Squeeze Page on your Website is to

  1. Make people who once visited your website to come again
  2. To build relationship and become friends with the people who come to your website
  3. Get people who visit your website to buy from you, etc.

Now, about the email you collected, you don’t have to send them mails one by one with Gmail.

You will be using an email service called AutoResponder to send one mail to thousands of email address that you must have gathered from your website. It’s that simple.

Another thing… I cannot go into the detailed step by step guide on how to go about setting up your Squeeze page to collecting emails list to Using an Auto Responder here.. My dear, it way too long to write!

So, My Friend Precious Ng have packaged all these Steps in a video Training in Create Build Sell program. Click Here to check it out right away.

Meanwhile, Below are the Best email Auto Responder services I’m recommending. (From experience)

  • GetResonse – The one I use ( By accessing Get Response with the link here, you’ll be given a 1 month free account to try out with, and after one month and you don’t like the services, you can quite) Fair enough right? Yes!
  • Aweber
  • Sendlane

Autoresponders are like your personal secretary. They send your emails automatically. All you need to do is load up your emails once, fix dates and the time you want it to go out and then connect it to your squeeze page

Immediately anyone enters your squeeze page, they automatically start getting emails from you. Again, you will learn how to set this up when you get the CBS program.

So, Let’s get into the real deal!

How To Make Your Millions From Your Internet Business – Beginners Guide

becoming a better entrepreneur

To start making money from your website before the end of this year, you need to Join Create Build Sell Program right now, where you will be through the step by step guide on how to

  • How to create a product that people will beg you to buy online.
  • Buy domain name and hosting using the recommended hosting I gave above
  • How to set up your own professional looking website in less than 3o minutes without any technical knowledge
  • How to set up an autoresponder for your website using the ones I recommended above
  • How to set up your Squeeze page that gets the attention of your website visitors.
  • How to use and schedules mails to your email list with your AutoResponder
  • How to make your website visitors start buying from you by sending them to your sales page. – Best practices to follow
  • The best and easiest ways to get Traffic (People to come to your website) for free without spending a dime.
  • How to get 1000 – 10,000 people to visit your website from Facebook.

In a nutshell,

Inside the CBS course, which is was launched on October 30th, you are going to learn from scratch, step by step, with over 60 videos guides and support….how to start an internet business in Nigeria, create your product and start selling them to make tons of loads of money.

So, who is going to teach you all these things?


Me that is still learning from Precious. Hehehehe

So who then?

It’s Precious Ng, the exact guy i learnt from and have raised other multi-millionaires in Nigeria which include

  • Victory Akpomedaye

victory akpomedye is a nigerian internet marketer on jvzoo

  • Misan Morisson

misan moriison is a nigerian internet marketer on jvzoo

  • Ugo Carson – Ex-Banker

ugochukwu carson onwuchekwa is a nigerian internet marketer on jvzoo

  • Adetunji Daniel – Ex Freelancer on Fiverr

daniel adetunji is a nigerian internet marketer on jvzoo

They’re all looking Good and tush and You like them right? You can beat any of them if you make this bold move of buying into CBS right now.

Precious NG has done big hits when you come to doing online business in Nigeria and have proven to be an exceptional and international internet businessman.

Last year, he made over 1 billion naira from this exact steps he is going to teach you in CBS program.

Why i’m I telling you all these?

Reasons are simple.

If you must learn anything, learn from experts who have produced the results in the field with good experience on what works and what does not work.

Like me, I can teach you how to start a successful blog that makes over 100K monthly, but that’s not why we are here. Blogging can be daunting especially for newbies, so, for now, I will direct you to the best person to show you the easiest way to make money online in Nigeria.

While Precious will guide you on how to build a solid platform online where you will sell and get people to buy whatever thing you have to offer and keep smiling your way to the bank every month for your 6-7 figures.


As you know, Delay is dangerous.

The only thing needed from you right now is action.

The longer you hold back and keep doubting if this thing is going to work, the more you will keep waiting and watch those who started; write their names in the success stories as trained by Precious Ngwu of CBS.

Kindly Click Here to get started now. or ask few questions before buying the course in the comment section.

Register for precious ng cbs course

Don’t forget to Feel free to drop any question in the Facebook comment section, I will take them one by one.

Thank me later.



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