Learn to Save, Never Be Embarrassed Because You’re Broke

Don’t Go Broke Again After Seeing Good Life.

While it’s okay for everyone to get up everyday and go hard on their dreams, projects and plans. There is still something the majority of people are missing.

We all talk about making money and more money without talking about conserving and stacking up the one we have made.

I know this man from Aba (I call him man because i use to call him BROTHER when I was a boy), dude use to be rich but recently came to me for support of 5000 Naira (Around 1:00 pm) that his kids haven’t eaten anything since morning.

Well, I shaa made an instant Transfer for him and he was so grateful with lots of ‘THANK YOU, Chris

From there, we got into a conversation about life and he began to tell the story of his life and how he HAS FAILED NOT SAVING AND INVESTING when life/income was still Rosy.

Well, you wouldn’t want me to tell you the whole story because you will end up reading another novel today… hehehe

But then, his story about his Lavish spending and extravagant life back then left me speechless but to appreciate SumoBank savings and investment platform that pays 10-15% interest.

One of the cold lessons I learnt last week was in that conversation is that we all make money and end up blowing everything up again on bills without taking a proper check on our savings culture.

  • It is very important
  • It is evergreen
  • Your savings can save you unnecessary embarrassments
  • Your savings can raise you capital for your next business venture.

You can’t be earning 100K every month either as a salary earner or profits from business and not have over up to 280k savings in your account at the end of one year… saving 40% of that 100K is very important.

you may not understand why, until the need for it comes.

Imagine the worst case comes and your last option is to beg and be humiliated when you can actually avert that now by creating a FREE savings account on Sumobank.

Even if you’re a student, you’ll need this emergency cash after school, your experience whe you left secondary school will tell you where I’m driving to.

Even if you earn 20K monthly, you can still save 5K to 10k monthly, so, no excuse. 

In as much as it’s difficult to run away from spending, it’s still not everything you should spend money on.

Your scale of preference will help keep you in check and above all, you need a savings platform/tool that will help you do all that seamlessly.

Well, www.sumobank.ng is here to help you do all that seamlessly, you can have a LIVE chat with support on website in case you have any issues using the platform.

In the end, I just wanted to remind someone here about saving and not just making money and more money and nothing to show for it.

remain blessed.



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  1. Tijani

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