15 Benefits of Social Media Marketing in Nigeria

Social media is a great place to market your business whether you sell products or offer services in Nigeria. You can as well market your brand and build your image towards your passion. The 15 benefits of Social medial marketing in Nigeria are enormous. See more details below.

When considering the fact that most Nigerian currently make use of their mobile phones to access the internet, a great percentage of them visit different social medial platform daily and they spend many time on it. Social media has changed the way marketing is done and businesses that are yet to adapt this strategy are left or being outsmart by their competitors.

The digital marketing has leveled the primary aspect of business in Nigeria and more businesses are trooping in to social medial with many yet to understand the tips of Social media marketing in Nigeria. Below are the benefits of social medial marketing.

15 Benefits of Social media marketing in Nigeria

15 Benefits of Social Media Marketing in Nigeria

15 Benefits of Social Media Marketing in Nigeria

1.      Attract new customers

By creating a social medial profile, you will fill up about the services or unique products your business does and through constant posts and comments; more customers will be interested in what you have to offer. As your fans share your posts to reach to more people, so will others want to be part of your services. New and more customers will be attracted to your business through social media marketing.

2.      Brand awareness

Social media marketing is a tool of showcasing and recognition of your company’s brand to potential customers and fans in Nigeria. Branding is an essential thing to a business growth and social media helps creates awareness and get more people to know, see and understand what your brands deals with.

3.      Improved sales

It improves sales of goods and services by reaching out to targeted audiences who are mostly connected with your business. I met a sales man who told me that their New Company has been able to sell more products through their customers in social medial than other traditional forms of advertising. Their presence and strategy in the social medial created the difference.

4.      Provides value

When people come to learn about new ideas on social media, or how your product or services solves there everyday problem, with your constant updates through posts and contents, referrals and advises they obtain more value and thus become a loyalty to your business.

5.      It Improves search rankings

If you own a blog or website, your presence on social medial increases your search ranking in different search engines. Though some people have argued about this concept on how such can raise your rankings, but Google as currently the best search engine displays the social media platforms that has the name of your blog or website and shows it below your mail website in their search engine. It’s a proven fact that your presence in social medial accelerates your SEO strategy and your presence is felt more on search engines.

6.      Increases traffic

The more fans you have, the more they will click through your updates to and be redirected to your websites or blog and thus you will gain more traffic. With running a social medial campaign with Facebook or Twitter, you will even be exposed to millions of people to whom will be directed to your websites and increases the number of your visitors and page views.

7.      Keep track of your competitors

Social media marketing in Nigeria helps you to keep track of your competitors by constantly spying on their social media profiles to see how they interact with their customers and what they share with their customers. This will help you to position your business and brand to offer more value to your fans.

8.      Recruitment

It helps in recruitment new people to your business by announcing it in your profile. People will send their resumes directly to your inbox or the address as stipulated in the advert page and it has proven to be better than the traditional way of advertising job vacancy in Newspapers.

9.      It’s Cheaper

Digital marketing in Nigeria is costs less than traditional way of advertising and this is one of the main reasons why some companies have presence in social media. They take the advantage and reach to millions of people around the world or around their target countries or region.

10. Increases B2c relationship

Social media presence increases your relationship with customers as you will be able to receive instant feedbacks from your customers and you interact with them to know how good your product affects them. In the current trend where customers’ preference overrules loyalty, your presence in social media bridges the gap to bring produce what customers preferred.

11. It increases Revenue

Your constant advertising in social media increases your revenue and thus your profits. When more people buys your products, when people know more about your services and patronizes you, when you gain more traffics through your digital advertising, when you sell more products and services then your revenue will skyrocket.

12. Networking

One of the most advantages of Internet marketing through social media platform is that it connects you with other businesses in your circle and even extends to more circles. When you interact or mention a company in a tweeter, the next thing is that they will start to follow you and you network and connect with businesses directly.

13. Research

It helps in Research and the most and best survey conducted is done in social media. Running a survey makes you to know and understands the customers preference more better and you will learn how to build your product or services to meet customers’ expectations.

14. New Product Introduction

It’s easier to review or release your new product development through the social media and reach to millions of people from them sharing the post in different social media platforms.

15. Grow business

Social media campaign grows the overall aspect of your business through growing of fans, sale of your products and brand recognition.

The benefits of social media marketing in Nigeria depends more on the strategies adopted by the marketer or owners of the business and such benefits will drive more business to display their presence online.

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