The Only Way To Become A Millionaire This Year (2019), No Long Stories!

Easiest Way To Become A Millionaire This Year (2019), No Long Stories!

Throughout the whole of last year, I spent most of my learning and research times trying to figure out the easiest way to become a millionaire especially for someone who is on a low to medium earning scheme.

Well, I was able to discover something very strong and I think every African, especially Nigerians needs to read and implement every strategy I have gathered here all for free on how to become a millionaire this year at a young age.

I have read so many jargons on the internet on how to become a millionaire early that never works, so be sure that this article is free from that, also, this is not about “get rich quick scheme”. Everything i have written here is for serious-minded fellows who want to build strong and long term business that will make them successful at all levels.

In the concept of this post, I’m assuming you are not a millionaire yet but earns nothing less than 15,000 Naira monthly.

Even as a student, you do receive pocket money up to 15,000 Naira every month, this is also for you.

Are you ready? Let’s go;

How To Become A Millionaire in 2019 – Easiest Way!

  1. Use the Little you have, Face reality:

The problem with most Nigerians is that they feel the little they have is too small to start. Let me tell you, i started off with just my laptop and zero cash in 2014, now I’m a big inspiration to many.

Cut the long motivations,

The first thing to do if this secret Nigerian millionaire approach will work for you is to cut your cloak according to your size and start with the little at hand. Others will come when you start.

  1. Don’t be shy to Go Small:

Now, another major issue why many potential millionaires in Nigeria are yet to attain this height is the problem of shying away from cheap and profitable hustle. Thank God we have social media today, so, there is a new approach to take and still not lose your self-esteem while you start small.

But then, even at that, remember i was once a street road show dancer while in the university. Let me not also go to that, i already promised no long stories today.

Now, the next step reveals the actual thing.

  1. Sign Up and Save for 3-6 Months On Sumo Bank:

Sumobank just as the name sounds; is online savings and investment platform that helps you save and cut unnecessary expenses.

Just for saving your money, you earn 10-15% interest for all your savings annually (that is 0.88%-1.25%) interest every month.

Unlike other banks that gives you ATM card and opens your account to spending anyhow you want, SumoBank tries to help you cut unnecessary stop spending your money and saving more.

Another sweet thing here is that you can save as little as 100 naira everyday automatically without any stress.

You don’t need to walk into any bank or stress yourself to do that, all you need to do is Sign Up on at and connect your ATM card set it to either save daily, weekly or monthly after selecting the amount to get started.

So, let’s assume you earn 15,000 monthly even as a student receiving pocket money from parents, you can save 5000 monthly for 6 months to raise 30,000 Naira. It’s never easy, but it’s worth it.

Sign Up on Sumo Bank Here now.

  1. Learn a New Business from Entrepreneur Nigeria business Academy through Your Sumo Bank Account:

Now, as a user on Sumo Bank, you will get to have FREE ACCESS to Entrepreneur Nigeria business academy which will cost you 50,000 naira if you go through our website. But with Sumo Bank, you will have FREE access to the platform.

Now, here is the smart move you’re making.

Instead of Paying 50,000 naira to learn a course from Entrepreneur Academy and later raising your own capital to start, kindly save the money on SumoBank, earn some interest from amount saved and access the academy for FREE to learn any business skill you want to acquire with a large business community to help you.

After six months of saving on SumoBank, you can withdraw your money and start a small and profitable business based on point 1 and 2 above.

You will also be guided on how to manage and grow your money so you don’t run into losses.

Many people that invested with the platform in 2018 are happy right now.

So, if I’m you, here is what will do.

  • Save my 50,000 on Sumobank
  • Wait till the fourth month of saving
  • Enroll for the business academy and learn a new skill within 1-2 month (6 months in total).
  • Withdraw the 50,000 with my interest earned and start implementing from what i have learned.

The sweetest part is that i will also get to have free access to the business community who will help my new business grow faster.

  1. Withdraw Your Money From SumoBank After 6 Months

At this point, i believe you have gone through the course you want to learn, followed one or two top business people in the community and probably active on the Entrepreneur Platform community.

Kindly withdraw your funds from Sumo Bank and get started with the knowledge and skill you have acquired so far.

Trust me, if you pick a hustle and follow the process of being disciplined especially understanding how it really works, you will be shocked how you will hit your first 1 million within 6 months. This is why i made the first and second point something to take seriously before even picking a business to start in 2019.

What are you waiting for, Rush to and create your free account and start saving?.

You can save as little as 100 naira per day.

Let me know what you think in the comment section.

You can call my number 07037281050 if you need help.





  1. Name* Nse joseph udoh

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